The below is a sample copy of Wollondilly Shire Council's Rates and Charges notice issued in July of each year. A PDF copy of the below document can be viewed by clicking here.
Please click on the below headings for further information regarding your Rates and Charges Notice.
Assessment Number
This is Council's reference number for your property and can be used when contacting Council with enquiries regarding your rate account.
Posting Date
This is the date your Rates and Charges Notice was issued.
Due Date
If paying your rate account in full (rather than in instalments), this is the due date that the annual rate levy is due by. This due date will always be the 31st August of the applicable year.
What period does my Rates and Charges Notice cover?
Your annual Rates and Charges Notice covers the period of 1st July until 30th June of the current financial year.
Owner Details
This area of your Rates and Charges Notice shows all owners listed against the account and the current postal address. If your postal address needs updating, please submit a Change of Postal Address application form to Council. Notices can also be issued via e-mail by submitting an Application for Electronic Rate Notices.
Property Location and Description
This part of your notice shows the address of your property and your Lot and Deposited plan number, which is the legal description of your property.
Valuation Base Date and Rateable Land Value
The NSW Valuer General provides Council with a rateable valuation of your property every three years.
The Valuation Base Date is the valuation year currently being used to calculate rates. Your current rateable land value can be viewed under the Particulars section of your Rates and Charges notice.
For further information about your land value, please contact the NSW Valuer General.
Deduct Payments Made Since
Deduct payments made since is the date that notice data was extracted from Council’s records and the amount due is what was due as at this date. If you have made any payments after the printed date please deduct from the amount owing.
Particulars of Rates and Charges
This part of your Rates and Charges Notice will show all charges levied against your rate account. The three types of charges that will appear in this area are your general/land rate, waste charges and the stormwater management charge. Any pension concession or balance carried forward from a previous year will also be shown in this area.
Rating Category
The Local Government Act 1993 requires all land to be categorised according to its dominant use. You must notify Council within 30 days after receiving your Rates and Charges Notice if there is a change to the dominant use of the property (eg. from Business to Residential) or if you disagree with your categorisation.
To request a change in category or for further information regarding your rating category with Council, please complete an Application for Change in Category of Land for Rating Purposes form.
Domestic Waste Management Charge
This charge is for the domestic waste service at your property. You are charged for a core service, being a garbage and recycling bin, and a garden organics bin if in a serviced area. Any additional bins are listed as a separate line item on your notice.
A list of Council's annual domestic waste charges can be viewed in Council's Operational Plan.
Domestic Waste Availability Charge
In accordance with section 496 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council must levy a Domestic Waste Charge for all properties that have access to the service. This includes vacant land.
Stormwater Management Charge
The stormwater management charge applies to parcels of land rated as residential or business where Council provides stormwater services.
The maximum amount that can be charged is:
- $25 per residential lot.
- $12.50 per residential strata lot.
- A minimum of $25 plus $25 per 350m2 or part thereof for business lots (capped at $325).
Pensioners, rural residential, rural properties and vacant land are exempt from the charge.
Further information regarding the stormwater management charge can be viewed by clicking here.
Pension Rebates
If you are claiming a pension concession through Council, the rebate will be deducted from annual levy and be shown as a separate line item under the particulars of rates and charges on your notice.
If you are an eligible pensioner and are not currently claiming a rebate through Council, application can be made by completing a Pension Concession Application Form.
This box details any overdue rates and charges brought forward from a previous year. Unless an arrangement has been made this amount is due and payable immediately. Interest accrues on all overdue rates and charges.
Debt Recovery
Failing to pay rates and charges by the due dates may cause debt recovery action to commence and legal fees may be incurred. If you are having difficulty making payment please contact Council’s Revenue Team on 02 4677 8282 to make a suitable arrangement.
For further information, please see Council's debt recovery and hardship policies.
Interest accrues on all overdue rates and charges at the rate indicated on the rates and charges notice.
Methods of Payment
Rate payments can be made using any of the payment methods listed on your Rates and Charges Notice. For further information regarding Council's payment methods, please click here.
Paying by Instalments
If paying by instalments, the instalment amounts and due dates will be listed in these boxes. Quarterly instalments will always be due on 31st August, 30th November, 28th February and 31st May of each year. A quarterly Instalment Notice will be issued at least one month prior to an instalment's due date.
Subdivided Land
Subdivided land will be rated on a pro-rata basis from the date the new deposited or strata plan is registered. Newly created lots will be rated and a Supplementary Rates and Charges Notices will be issued from the date of registration once land values have been received from the NSW Valuer General.
The parent assessment of a subdivided property will be rated from the beginning of the financial year to the date of registration of the new lots.
Total Payable
This is the total amount due if paying your rate levy on an annual basis. Payment is required by 31st August if paying your rate levy in full.
What happens if my land is rezoned?
Council may be provided with new valuations from the NSW Valuer General if land is rezoned. As rates are based on the rateable land value this may affect the rates levied.
If you live in a single dwelling on land that could be subdivided or is in a commercial zone the rateable valuation may be higher than usual. If you plan on residing at the property for some time you may apply to Council to have part of your rates postponed. Contact Council’s Revenue Team on 02 4677 8282 for further information.