Pile Burn Application

How to apply for a General Approval to Burn:
- By phone to 4677 1100
- By email to council@wollondilly.nsw.gov.au – provide the address of the property where the burning is to occur in your email.
I don’t qualify for a General Approval to Burn due to my property zoning, yet my property is over 4000 square metres in size:
- Complete a Pile Burn Permit Application form – link to the right.
The NSW Bush Fire Danger Period is in force from 1 October to 31 March each year, unless varied by the NSW Rural Fire Service.
A person who lights a fire without the required approvals is guilty of an offence, with penalties including large fines and/or imprisonment.
Every landholder has a responsibility to prevent fire from spreading from their property and there can be serious consequences for people who light fires and leave them unattended. A requirement of the approval process is that there must be a responsible adult in attendance at all times that the fire is alight. An escaped Pile Burn can be very difficult for firefighters to contain.
Penalties for Offences
Failure to comply with any approval may result in an on the spot fine of $500 for an individual or $1,000 for a corporation. In the event of a prosecution, the maximum penalty is $5,500 for an individual and $11,000 for a corporation.
For all enquiries contact Customer Service on 4677 1100.