In 2019/20, the Wollondilly community faced significant challenges due to the Green Wattle Creek bushfire, which was followed by storm events and flood damage, placing additional strain on our community.
In response to these events, Council worked closely with residents, response agencies, and key stakeholders to develop the Activate Wollondilly 2021: Long-Term Recovery and Resilience Plan. This plan is aims to assist the community in its recovery journey and building resilience.
Asset Mapping & Community Profiles were key outcomes from the plan. Asset Mapping helps us see all the resources we have around us, so we know where to go for help when we need it. Community Profiles help us understand and appreciate our community better, and they can also help new residents feel welcome and find their way around.
The documents below are designed to help the community by informing them about the diverse range of local facilities and groups available, whether you're seeking support during challenging times or simply want to learn more about our vibrant community.
We would like to thank our community for helping us put this information together and the NSW Government for funding this project.
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