In February 2024, Council's annual independent Community Satisfaction Survey was undertaken by Micromex Research via a random telephone survey with 402 residents living in the Wollondilly local government area.
The survey is a way in which Council gathers direct feedback and data from the community to help;
Respondents were selected by means of a computer based random selection process using Australian marketing lists and a Unipolar Scale of 1 to 5 was used in all rating questions, where 1 was the lowest importance or satisfaction and 5 the highest importance or satisfaction.
Overall, 81% of residents are at least somewhat satisfied with the performance of Council over the last 12 months. Up from 72% from 2023.
78% of residents stated they are at least somewhat satisfied with the performance of Councillors. Up from 73% in 2023.
71% of residents stated they are at least somewhat satisfied with. In line with 72% in 2023.
64% of residents (who had contacted in the last 12 months) are at least somewhat satisfied with the way their contact with Council was handled. In line with 63% in 2023.
95% of residents rate their quality of life as ‘good’ to ‘excellent’ in the Wollondilly Shire LGA. Up from 92% in 2023.
The 2024 satisfaction scorecard of council's services and facilities is shown below.
These results are encouraging, but our focus here at Wollondilly Shire Council is to continue to lift and maintain community satisfaction levels as this is a key measure of success.
Council is listening to the community and is already focussing its efforts to address these priority areas identified by the community.
Lifting and maintaining community satisfaction levels is our major focus for the coming years, to build on our good foundations created already, and the key focus areas for us as a business over the coming years include:
This will not happen overnight but the hard work to date and a concerted effort is being employed by everyone across our organisation to improve and maintain our community satisfaction levels.
Click below to download the full or summary reports for the 2024 Customer Service Satisfaction Survey.
For any enquiries regarding the report please contact Council via or 02 4677 1100.
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