The Wollondilly Local Government Area is set for significant population growth in the next 20-30 years, which is expected to increase traffic congestion in Picton. In anticipation of this, Council is developing a Picton Town Centre Transport Masterplan to improve traffic conditions in the town centre. This includes significant upgrades to Prince Street, refinement to traffic flow through Colden Street and Margaret Street, relocating the Argyle Street pedestrian crossing and general improvements around the town centre.
The Federal Government have recently announced $95.6 million in funding towards the planning and scoping of Picton Bypass and Picton Road projects. The funding is part of a commitment to state infrastructure in the Federal Budget, aimed at creating jobs, improving commuter safety and driving economic growth. The announcement follows strong advocacy by Council and the community.
As construction on the Bypass is likely to be some years away, it’s important for Council to manage the traffic congestion in Picton in the meantime. The measures outlined in the Picton Town Centre Transport Master Plan will alleviate traffic stress and continue to serve our local roads even after the Picton Bypass has been completed.
Council has worked on developing concepts that we were confident would meet Transport for NSW (TfNSW) requirements (noting Menangle Street is a state owned road).
In April 2019 an informal session was held with residents as well as a drop in session, which were well attended.
At its meeting of 22 February 2022, Council Resolved (in part) to:
Undertake further community consultation on the Prince St & Menangle St and Prince St and Argyle St intersection designs and any potentially viable alternative options that will consider:
a. On and Off-street parking impacts
b. Impacts to nearby residents and business premises
c. Access to resident driveways
d. Road and pedestrian Safety
e. Costs of any design implementation
f. Heritage impacts
g. Ensuring that future traffic demands can be met with any proposed design to ensure a service level of E or better by 2026 and into the future
h. TfNSW approval requirements and Council’s Traffic Committee approval as may be required.
Additional Community Consultation on the Prince St intersection upgrades was completed during early May, 2022. You can view the interim outcomes report here and the presentation here.