Wollondilly 2040 is Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS). It was made and came into effect on 27 March 2020.
The LSPS outlines the land use planning vision for Wollondilly over the next 20 years. This vision is for a prosperous, sustainable and resilient future for Wollondilly residents, with an enviable lifestyle of historic villages, modern living, rural lands and bush settings.
Wollondilly 2040 identifies key planning priorities and actions that focus on protecting and retaining the many elements that Wollondilly extraordinary. It is also about embracing the future and creating environments that help to make people feel happier and healthier. The key planning priorities will guide the decisions we need to make to meet our vision for Wollondilly.
Its purpose is to:
- Set the 20-year land use vision for Wollondilly,
- Identify the characteristics that make Wollondilly unique
- Recognise shared values that should be enhanced and maintained
- Manage change and direct growth
- Identify key actions to support the Western City District Plan
- Support the implementation of the Community Strategic Plan, Wollondilly 2033
- Set planning priorities and actions to deliver the land use vision
- Identify further planning work
All council’s in NSW are required to prepare and make a LSPS. As a council within the Greater Sydney Region, Wollondilly 2040 was required to receive the support of the Greater Sydney Commission before it could be made.
The LSPS will shape how the development controls in the local environmental plan (LEP) evolve over time to meet the community’s needs, with the LEP being one of the main tools to deliver the plan.
Download the LSPS
Download the Local Strategic Planning Statement
If you require further details on the LSPS please contact Council’s Principal Planner LEP Review on 4677 1100 or council@wollondilly.nsw.gov.au.