Applications for Australian Citizenship are assessed by the Department of Home Affairs.
Once your application has been processed by the Department, you will receive an approval letter and be placed on a wait list to be invited to a ceremony with your local Council. This usually happens within 6-12 months.
Wollondilly Shire Council typically holds a number of ceremonies each year, on behalf of the Government. After you have been approved and your waiting time is complete, you will receive an invitation from Wollondilly Shire Council.
The citizenship ceremony is where you will be presented with your citizenship certificate and is the final step in becoming a new citizen. You become an Australian citizen on the date you attend the citizenship ceremony and make the pledge of commitment to Australia.
The citizenship ceremony and taking the pledge is the final step before becoming an Australian citizen, becoming an Australian citizen is something to celebrate as it marks an important milestone in the lives of new citizens.
Wollondilly Shire Council plays a role in local residents becoming Australian citizens by hosting a number citizenship ceremonies each year. Citizenship Ceremonies are usually held every 12 weeks (approximately), however it can take between 6-9 months after receiving your approval before you are invited to attend a Citizenship Ceremony. Invites to participate in a ceremony will be sent approximately 4 weeks before your allocated ceremony.
Wollondilly Shire Council will contact you via phone/email, to determine your availability and will then mail a letter of invitation to you. The invitation will detail ceremony location, date, time, guest allowances and how to confirm your attendance. We will also advise what photo identification you will be required to bring with you on the day.
Please note:
On the day of your ceremony, bring the following items:
If you do not have photo identification, then you need to bring at least 3 documents showing your name, address and signature:
If you are under 16 years of age, you do not need to bring photo identification.
If you want to make the Australian citizenship pledge on a holy book, bring a book with you to the ceremony. Ceremony organisers do not always provide holy books.
There’s no official dress code, but the Department of Home Affairs suggests that you wear smart casual clothes.
The following is strongly discouraged:
You are be able to invite friends and family to the ceremony, however guest numbers are required to ensure reserved seated can be allocated. In the event of NSW Public Health restrictions being put in place, guest numbers may be restricted, any changes in this regard will be communicated.
Seating is allocated according to nominated Pledge and surname. We will endeavour to seat family members near each other where possible, however this is not guaranteed.
Please advise the Department of Home Affairs as well as Council so that we can make appropriate arrangements as needed.
If you have young children that cannot be left with relatives or friends while you attend the ceremony, please advise the ceremony coordinator immediately so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Children 15 years and under do not need to attend a citizenship ceremony to receive a Certificate of Australian Citizenship, however we welcome their participation in the ceremony if they wish to attend.
Children will receive their own certificate which will be attached to the designated parent's certificate.
If you are unable to attend your ceremony you must contact the Department immediately on their hotline 131 880, so they can provide you with an alternative date. Please note that we are unable to reschedule your ceremony. If you do not advise the Department that you cannot attend and you miss your ceremony, we are unable to provide you with your certificate and it must be returned to the Department.
If you do not attend a ceremony within 12 months of your application being approved, and you do not have an acceptable reason, your application could be reviewed and cancelled.
The Department of Home Affairs or Council do not offer an ‘urgent ceremony’ service.
People are encouraged to attend public ceremonies. However, in genuinely urgent, compelling and unforeseen circumstances, the Department may agree to conduct a Departmental citizenship ceremony.
The following types of circumstances are not considered genuinely urgent or compelling:
You are not eligible to become an Australian citizen until you have read the Australian Citizenship Pledge in the presence of the Mayor or the Minister for Home Affairs.
If you have been approved for Australian citizenship then an invitation will be mailed to you from council approximately four weeks prior to the next scheduled ceremony.
Applicants for citizenship must attend a citizenship ceremony within their local government area.
The “Pledge” contains the words you will read out in the presence of the Mayor in order to complete your Citizenship requirements.
Below are the two pledges that you can choose between:
From this time forward, under God, I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people Whose democratic beliefs I share Whose rights and liberties I respect |
From this time forward, I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people Whose democratic beliefs I share Whose rights and liberties I respect |
A pledge card, containing the above words and affirmation, will be given to you at the ceremony.
If you would like to practice beforehand, an audio version is available on the Department of Home Affairs citizenship website.
If you would like to make your pledge on a Holy Book, please bring that book along to the ceremony as they are not provided.
Citizenship ceremonies are held in the Council Chambers at Picton Shire Hall – 52 Menangle Street, Picton, unless otherwise stated on the invitation.
Time of arrival for registration on the day is 30 minutes prior to the ceremony start. This is in order to avoid congestion at the registration table. Registrations close at the start of the ceremony. If you are going to be late, please let us know.
The citizenship ceremony usually takes approximately 30 minutes however, this is dependent on the number of recipients. We ask that you remain for the entire ceremony.
If you are unwell on the day of your ceremony please do not attend.
All conferees will be required to register upon arrival. A staff member will be present to provide assistance.
During registration, you will need to show photographic identification (driver’s license, passport etc) to verify your identity.
After you have completed your registration, you will then be directed to the seating area in preparation for the ceremony.
Recipients will be given an allocated seat, a pledge card and an affirmation card. There may be a short wait until the ceremony starts. You will be required to remain on the premises until the completion of the ceremony.
Should you need to leave, ID will have to be re-confirmed.
If you are not in your allocated seat during this part of the ceremony (from Mayor's speech until completion of the pledges) you will be noted as not having completed the pledge. You will be required to attend the next scheduled ceremony.
Please note that if you arrive late and miss this part of the ceremony, let one of our staff members know as soon as possible. If you do not complete the pledge, you will not become an Australian citizen.
All new citizens over the age of 18 must enrol to vote. This can be completed at the citizenship ceremony or afterwards at home and entitles new citizens to vote at Federal, State and local Council elections.
Voting at elections is compulsory and there are fines for failure to do so without a valid reason. Further information can be found on the Elections website .
All conferees will have reserved seating according to their nominated Pledge of Commitment.
There will be a formal introduction, speeches and an address before the Pledge of Commitment.
The Presiding Officer, will ask you to stand as a group (according to which pledge you will be making) and to read out/repeat the Pledge of Commitment.
There are two versions of the Pledge, one that mentions God, and one without. You’ll have to repeat the one you picked on your application form.
You are required to undertake the Pledge and to show your loyalty to Australia and accept the responsibility and privileges of Australian citizenship. It also signals a person’s commitment to being an active member of our society as well.
Once you’ll have made the pledge, you will be an Australian citizen and will receive your Australian Citizenship Certificate.
The National Anthem will be played at the end of the ceremony and photo opportunities will follow.
Make sure the information on it is correct and store the certificate somewhere safe.
Citizenship certificates will be provided to you at the ceremony.
All children will receive their own citizenship certificate. For children under 16, certificates will be given to the parents/guardians during registration.
There will be an opportunity for you and your guests to take photos. Photos will also be taken during the ceremony, these will be sent to recipients via email.
All new citizens over the age of 18 must enrol to vote. This can be completed at the citizenship ceremony or afterwards at home and entitles new citizens to vote at Federal, State and local Council elections.
Voting at elections is compulsory and there are fines for failure to do so without a valid reason. Further information can be found on the Elections website.
If you require a replacement certificate, you will need to contact the Department of Home Affairs on 131 880.
Department of Home Affairs - Citizenship Information Line: 131 880 between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
Information about Citizenship ceremonies by the Department of Home Affairs
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