Wollondilly Shire Council is committed to providing the community with open and transparent access to information about our services, activities and business operations, where possible. This is in line with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA).
Refer to Council's Access to Information Guidelines, which sets out the ways in which government information is made available under the GIPA Act and what steps you need to take to access this information.
If this information cannot be located on our website, you have the option to submit an Informal Access Application or Formal Access Application, depending on the nature of your request.
An application for information that is not readily available on Council’s website, may be submitted using the online Informal Access Application Form.
Requests for informal information typically include:
These applications are free to view, however photocopying fees may apply.
If the information you are seeking is not available in any of the ways outlined above, you may need to apply for a Formal Access Application Form (1 MB) .
Requests for formal information typically include:
Note: If your application is seeking personal information, proof of identity is required at the time of applying.
Check our Fees and Charges for Formal Application Fees.
Applications can be made to Council to provide adjoining property ownership details for the following reason only:
Strict terms and conditions apply to the provision of adjoining property details. Information supplied must not be retained, copied or disseminated or used for unrelated purposes.
Council is required to keep certain registers, as outlined in Schedule 1 Additional open access information of the GIPA Act Regulation 2009.
We are committed to providing the community with open and transparent access to information contained in our registers, where possible. If the information you seek is not on our website, please contact us for further assistance.
Our Accessing Information and Copyright Q&A document may assist you in finding a copyright owner.
Some information that is considered ‘open access’ may be subject to copyright. Information that is subject to copyright may be viewed however copies may not be provided. If you require copies (hard copy or email) you will need to gain written permission from the copyright owner/architect. Their contact details will be provided to you upon request. Council must also take into account whether the privacy of any other party is affected by a particular request.
Council may choose to place additional information on its website – this is called ‘Additional Proactive Release of Information’. It is Council’s intent to make available on its website as much information as possible, that would be of interest to the general public.
The Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018 was made on 31 August 2018. The Regulation repeals and replaces the previous Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2009.
The new Regulation contains an amendment to the additional open access information for local government under Schedule 1 Clause 3 in relation to development applications.
From 31 August 2018, the following information no longer falls within the definition of open access information for local government:
If you want access to a development application received, or records of decisions made, on or after 1 July 2010, you should apply via an informal access application, as they continue to be Open Access information.
Development applications and decisions made before 1 July 2010 are still 'government information', however you will need to apply via a formal access application. As with any other access application, we will apply the public interest test under Part 2 Division 2 of the GIPA Act when making a decision to release, or refuse access to information in relation to development applications.
If you are refused access to information requested via a formal application, you are entitled to a review. Please use Council’s online Internal Review Application Form.
There is certain open access information that we will not publish on our Council website. More about what information is not disclosed, why this is and how you can access this information can be found in the Open Access Information Not Disclosed document.
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