About Us
Wollondilly Shire is located on the south western outskirts of Sydney at the foothills of the Southern Highlands and is surrounded by spectacular natural beauty and rural pastures. It's 2,560 square kilometres stretch from Yanderra in the South, Appin and Menangle in the East, Warragamba in the North, and the Nattai wilderness, Yerranderie and Burragorang Valley to the West.
The original inhabitants of the Wollondilly area were the Gundangurra, Dharawal and Darug Aboriginal peoples. European settlement dates from the early 1800s, although the area was explored in 1795 when white settlers followed the First Fleet's straying cattle.
Our elected Council includes nine Councillor's and our organisational structure is made up of approximately 365 staff who work to fulfill the tasks involved in the management of the Shire.
To see more stats and facts about the Shire visit Profile ID.