Emergencies can happen at any time. You can reduce the impact of emergencies by being prepared. Your emergency plan is tailored to you and covers the steps you need to take if you receive an emergency warning or are impacted by a disaster or emergency.
A home emergency kit has items you may need if you have to evacuate your home in an emergency.
The Wollondilly Emergency Management Guide is a useful resource to step residents through key areas of preparedness, including where to source information and what to do in a emergency situation.
Learn about the Australian Warning System and decide what you will do if you receive a warning.
Planning how to take care of your animals before an emergency helps to keep everyone safe. Emergencies such as floods and bushfires can happen very quickly, ensure you make an Animal Emergency Plan
The NSW Rural Fire Service has a list of Neighbourhood Safer Places in Wollondilly. Neighbourhood Safer Places are a place of last resort during a bush fire emergency. They are to be used when all other options in your bush fire survival plan can't be put into action safely.
Visit the Small Business Commissioner for tailored resources to help you respond and communicate so you can get back to business sooner when disaster hits.
Your safety during a disaster should be your number one priority. Visit NSW Health for advice on how to stay healthy and safe during disasters, including food and medication safety.
If you are directed to evacuate by emergency services you should do so – they are trying to protect you from harm. Refer to your emergency plan about where you will go and what you will take with you.
Unless you are directed to evacuate by emergency services, consider whether it is safe to shelter in place - this means staying at home if safe to do so. If you have an emergency kit packed and ready, sheltering in place could be a safer option than driving elsewhere if the roads are flooded or debris, or if visibility is limited due to smoke or severe weather conditions.
In the unlikely event that you need to evacuate, you will usually have three options.
Stay with friends or family
Stay in commercial accommodation
Attend an emergency shelter
Growing Seasonal Vegetables Workshop
International Women's Day
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