A Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) is an agreement between developers and a planning authority, such as Council or the Department of Planning and Environment.
A Planning Agreement may include provisions such as monetary contributions, infrastructure works, or the dedication of land at no cost to Council. These provisions must be applied towards a public purpose which include, but are not limited to:
Both Council's Planning Agreements Policy and Dedication of Lands Policy can be viewed at the Public Policies and Protocols Page.
Council's Planning Agreement Template.
Developers are required to meet the full cost of preparing agreements. See Council’s adopted Fees and Charges.
Voluntary Planning Agreements cannot be entered into unless public notice has been given and an explanatory note is made available for inspection for at least 28 days. Current VPAs on exhibition can be viewed via the Public Notices & Exhibition.
Council maintains a register of executed and completed Voluntary Planning Agreements. Council also Tracks the delivery of commitments under each of the active Voluntary Planning Agreements.
Executed VPAs are agreements that have been entered into and signed by CEO on behalf of Council and the Developer . The VPA is now active and payment of monetary contributions, dedication of land or provision of material public benefits are applicable according to its own conditions.
Completed VPAs are those whose obligations have been met by the developer and the Planning Agreement is considered to be concluded.
The VPA Interactive Map displays all land subject to VPAs currently on exhibition, executed or completed. It allows zooming in and out, panning around, identifying areas, and generating reports.
Follow the steps below to access the online Contributions Plan:
3. Select the computer screen icon
to display the 'Modules' screen
4. Click on the 'Developer Contributions' heading
5. Toggle layers on/off by clicking the 'Layers' icon
6. Click on item and relevant information will come up on a menu
3. On the left hand side of your screen, under 'Modules', select 'Developer Contributions'
4. Toggle layers on/off under the 'Layers' section. VPAs information can be found under the 'Volunteer Planning Agreements Register' group
5. Click on item and relevant information will come up on the right side of your screen
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