In order to assist you in understanding Council's planning controls and the development assessment process, we provide a free Duty Planner service.
Find all of the relevant information you need to book a building inspection.
Access all forms required for your development.
Find all the relevant information required when preparing a development application with Council.
Find out how to lodge an application via the NSW Planning Portal, what happens next and how to track the progress of your applications.
Use our interactive DA Tracker to view a Development Application or to make a submission.
Find out information on your property, heritage conservation and swimming pools and spas.
Discover helpful information and considerations for developers and download our specifications and guidelines.
Information on building swimming pools, secondary dwellings, sheds, driveways and more.
View our guiding documents and controls including the Wollondilly Development Control Plan, Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan, Local Strategic Planning Statement and more.
The LPP consists of independent qualified individuals, responsible for the determination of development applications and provide advice on planning proposals.
Council collects contributions from developers to help fund these public infrastructure. These are called 'Development Contributions', and are based on the impact, type, cost and location of the proposal.
Council provides personalised building certification services within the Wollondilly. We specialise in supporting the local building and development community and provide responsive and priority attention to our customers.
In order to assist you in understanding Council's planning controls and the development assessment process, we provide a free Duty Planner service.
Find all of the relevant information you need to book a building inspection.
Access all forms required for your development.
Find all the relevant information required when preparing a development application with Council.
Find out how to lodge an application via the NSW Planning Portal, what happens next and how to track the progress of your applications.
Use our interactive DA Tracker to view a Development Application or to make a submission.
Find out information on your property, heritage conservation and swimming pools and spas.
Discover helpful information and considerations for developers and download our specifications and guidelines.
Information on building swimming pools, secondary dwellings, sheds, driveways and more.
View our guiding documents and controls including the Wollondilly Development Control Plan, Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan, Local Strategic Planning Statement and more.
The LPP consists of independent qualified individuals, responsible for the determination of development applications and provide advice on planning proposals.
Council collects contributions from developers to help fund these public infrastructure. These are called 'Development Contributions', and are based on the impact, type, cost and location of the proposal.
Council provides personalised building certification services within the Wollondilly. We specialise in supporting the local building and development community and provide responsive and priority attention to our customers.
Review finds no risk to community safety from Sportsground Parade Appin works
Council supports name for new park at Appin