Wollondilly Shire Council is making great strides in the health and wellbeing space and has been recognised for the many significant initiatives we are delivering to support our fast growing community.
We are leading the way when it comes to prioritising the overall health needs of our people and integrating them into our built environment. We are the first Local Government Area to introduce health and wellbeing objectives into the Local Environment Plan, the first to establish a combined Social and Health Impact Assessment Framework, and the first to formulate a health and wellbeing strategy for a Growth Area.
Council has received commendations from the National Growth Areas Alliance for its Wilton Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Advocacy and for the Social and Health Impact Assessment Framework in the Research and Practice Category. We will continue working towards the delivery of sustainable, cohesive and healthy communities in the Wollondilly Shire.
The Wollondilly Wellbeing Report discusses Wollondilly’s health needs and the action we are taking to meet them. With the population of Wollondilly set to increase, it is vital to understand the community’s needs and what actions need to be undertaken to promote the overall health and wellbeing of Wollondilly’s people.
Health is an overall state of wellbeing, rather than merely the absence of injury or illness. The planning of our built environment can have a significant impact on health, as it encompasses environmental factors such as air quality, heat and noise, and social factors, also recognised as social determinants of health.
It's a snapshot of Council's initiatives in the Health and Wellbeing space.
If you would like to download the Wollondilly Wellbeing Report please use the download button below.
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