If you are passionate about what happens in the Wollondilly local government area, becoming a councillor is an exciting opportunity to make a difference and represent the interests of residents.
Representing all Wollondilly residents is a significant responsibility and a major time commitment, so it’s important to understand what to expect.
If becoming a councillor is something you’re interested in, save the date to attend one of our information sessions for potential candidates to find out more. Further details about these sessions will be provided closer to the session dates.
The NSW Electoral Commission and the Office of Local Government also provide information for candidates.
This session will provide information and support for women considering nominating as a candidate in the September Council Election.
Guest Speakers:
This session occurred on 1 June 2024. To view the session, please find the recording here.
Recording Passcode: 6#8=Gk7P
This session will provide essential information for potential candidates considering standing in the September Council Election.
When: Thursday, 27 June 2024, 3 pm
Where: Wollondilly Shire Hall
John Rayner PSM, former General Manager and experienced Local Government Leader.
Registration* to attend is required. Register below to secure your spot!
*Registrations close at 5 pm on Tuesday, 25 June 2024.
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