Closes: Apr 15, 2025, 5:00 PM
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Property |
Lot: 41 DP: 869446, 60 Doncaster Avenue CAWDOR |
For the purposes of |
Mobile telecommunications facility including monopole and compound |
Applicant |
Waveconn Operations Pty Ltd |
Application Number |
DA/2025/146/1 |
Consent Authority |
Wollondilly Shire Council |
The Development Application is required to be advertised in accordance with Council’s Community Participation Plan and also Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, 1979. Council’s Community Participation Plan outlines Council’s guidelines for notifying applications that are received. The development is on notification from 18/03/2025 to 15/04/2025.
View Documents
· On Council's DA Tracker
Enquiries should be directed to Natalie Knapp on telephone (02) 4677 1100 or email
Submissions in respect to the application must be in writing and be received no later than 5pm on 15/04/2025, quote reference number DA/2025/146/1 and be submitted by one of the following methods:
Online |
Lodge online through the DA Tracker |
Please note:
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny. Council is required to release written comments or submissions under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPAA). The Act imposes obligations on us to place submissions on Council’s website and submissions may be used in Council reports or court proceedings. In this regard, your comments should be restricted to the proposed development.
Under S10.4 of the EP&A Act, any person making a submission is required to disclose reportable political donations and gifts ($1000 or more) made to any local Councillor or staff member within 2 years of making of the submission. If the application or gift is made after the submission, a disclosure must be made within 7 days of that donation or gift having been made. Details of information required in the disclosure can be found on our website under Important Notice - Development Proposals and Donations or Gifts.