Any person (either a property owner or resident) who feels that their property or locality may be affected by a notified/advertised development can make a submission to Council.
In making a submission it is recommended that the following matters are considered:
Under applicable planning controls Council is required to consider planning applications having regard to a range of legislation including:
These planning controls provide certain entitlements to landowners. For instance, allowing the construction of industrial buildings on land that is zoned for industrial purposes provided that the design is able to meet the criteria contained within the relevant planning controls.
A properly made submission must:
You can send your submission via:
Any person who lodges a relevant public submission to Council in relation to a planning or development application is required to disclose reportable political donations and gifts (if any). These include gifts and donations made by the person making the submission or any associate of that person within the period commencing 2 years before the submission is made and ending when the application is determined:
The Disclosure of Political Donations & Gifts Form contains further explanatory information that will assist in completing the declaration.
Council (or the relevant consent authority) is required to consider all relevant matters that have been raised within the submissions made in respect to a planning or development application before making its decision. In addition to reviewing submissions received, Council also takes into account the following matters:
Council may either approve (with or without conditions) or refuse an application. Should an application be refused, the applicant is able to appeal Council's decision in the Land and Environment Court or submit a request for a review of determination to Council.
You may track the progress of an application on Council’s DA Tracker or alternatively, phone Council's Customer Service Centre on (02) 4677 1100. Please note that you may also be contacted by Council’s development assessment staff to clarify any matters that you have raised in your submission or to be notified that the application is being referred to a Planning Panel for determination.
Following Council’s determination of an application, any person who has made a submission will be notified of the decision regarding this application.
If you decide to withdraw your submission in respect to a planning application or do not wish to pursue your submission, you can withdraw it by writing to Council. You can also withdraw a submission conditionally, for example, provided certain amendments are made to the planning application.
Download our Making a Submission Fact Sheet for a summary of information.
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