Heritage consists of those things we want to keep that give us a sense of the past and of our cultural identity. It is the things we want to protect and pass on to future generations so that they too will understand what came before them (NSW Heritage Office, 1999).
'Heritage significance' is a phrase used to describe an item's value to us in heritage terms. It is important to distinguish the item's heritage value from other values, such as amenity or utility.
Council's Development Services on (02) 4677 1100 or email Council.
Heritage items are important in explaining the history of an area and are listed in one or more of the following registers:
A list of heritage items within the Wollondilly Local Government Area can be searched and accessed from the NSW Heritage Office Online Database.
Heritage listing your building can offer many benefits. Visit the Heritage Listing: Protecting our Heritage page on the NSW Government Environment site for more details.
Download the Heritage Guidelines for Development Applications.
The character heritage value of a conservation area can be attributed to a number of factors including the significance of individual buildings, the grouping of individual buildings, the landform, topography and aspect, vegetation elements, historical subdivision pattern and the history of development.
Heritage conservation areas are special areas selected by Council, with the help of the community, to maintain and improve for their visual qualities and historic themes. Improvement is achieved through owner pride and interest in improving their property, and by Council providing additional assessment and advice whenever new development is proposed. Heritage conservation areas and areas in the vicinity of heritage items each have a character that Council wishes to conserve.
It takes many years to conserve the character of an area and reinforce it, by incorporating the best aspects of the conservation area into new developments. The main means of improving an area is by granting development consent to improved quality developments that compliment the character of the area. Each conservation area is expected to be gradually upgraded to a stage where its value is reflected in a re-vitalised community life and strengthened real estate values. This is a long-term project of ten to twenty-five years, requiring consistent application by planning staff. Proposed work is best referred for heritage adviser comment at pre-design, pre-lodgment and development assessment stages.
Heritage conservation areas typically contain places that do not contribute, or have a negative effect, on the area. These features are generally described as 'non-contributory heritage'. Such places are expected to be upgraded when new development is proposed. The improvement of a Conservation Area into a unified, visually attractive whole is not instantaneous, but is expected to occur over a five to fifteen year period.
Development in heritage conservation areas requires consideration of how the proposal will protect, preserve and reinforce the key characteristics of the conservation area. These key characteristics are generally described as 'contributory heritage'.
Customers proposing to undertake works to heritage items and for new developments within heritage conservation areas, should seek independent advice on the work they wish to undertake prior to lodging an application with Council.
This includes work such as:
Council engages the services of a qualified Heritage Adviser to provide heritage advice to Council. Our Heritage Adviser conducts a design review for proposed changes to historic properties using design guides, local legislation and design experience to determine the impact of the proposed work on the Conservation Area.
To determine if the work you propose should involve a Heritage Consultant and possibly a pre development application lodgement meeting, speak with Councils Duty Planner Monday to Friday on (02) 4677 1100.
Contributory Heritage are elements that contribute towards the overall significance of a heritage conservation area. Contributory heritage items can consist of buildings, sites and site features which are not individually listed as heritage items, however, their characteristics and features such as age, design, construction materials, and vegetative elements reinforce the significance of the heritage conservation area.
As a collective whole, contributory heritage items have significance in their own right and loss of particular elements through alteration and removal can degrade the significance of heritage conservation areas.
Non-contributory Heritage are buildings, sites and site features, items that by virtue of their location are within a heritage conservation area, however, they make no contribution to the significance of the area. Non-contributory heritage can include modern flat blocks that detract from the heritage significance of an area through their non-sympathetic architectural design.
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