PUBLIC EXHIBITION - January 2025 Applications Approved
Closes: Mar 17, 2025, 12:00 AM
January 2025 Applications Approved
Applications Approved in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and Clause 97 of the Regulation, Notification is given that the undermentioned developments have recently been granted. Any public submissions received were carefully considered by Wollondilly Shire Council as part of the assessment of the subject application. Details of the applications and a copy of the consent together with any conditions attached is available for public viewing on Council’s DA Tracker
110 Smalls Road - Proposed Primary Dwelling House, Shed, Swimming Pool, Retaining Walls and Change of Use - Existing Primary Dwelling to Secondary Dwelling - Lot: 1 DP: 999991 |
DA/2023/459/1 |
23 Eucalyptus Grove - Continued Use of Retaining Walls / Slab and a New Shed - Lot: 12 DP: 1021886 |
DA/2024/1030/1 |
3 Parnwell Street - Secondary Dwelling - Lot: 781 DP: 1249552 |
DA/2024/1054/1 |
1A Dunroman Lane - Swimming Pool and Retaining Walls - Lot: 1102 DP: 1261104 |
CDC/2025/2/1 |
41 Hindmarsh Avenue - Install inground fibreglass swimming pool - Lot: 315 DP: 1049115 |
245 Jenkins Street - Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling, new dwelling for use as an attached dual occupancy and associated works - Lot: 42 DP: 599379 |
CDC/2025/18/1 |
100 Fergusson Road - Secondary dwelling - Lot: 42 DP: 2128 |
DA/2024/912/1 |
24 Rotolactor Parade - Dwelling house and shed - Lot: 174 DP: 1260225 |
110 Menangle Road - Modification to DA/2024/601/1 - S4.55(1) to delete Condition 13c(i) - Lot: 3 DP: 531901 |
DA/2024/1011/1 |
10 Beeston Street - Dwelling House - Lot: 347 DP: 1276089 |
DA/2024/1039/1 |
13 Dairy Crescent - Dwelling House, Secondary Dwelling and Retaining Walls - Lot: 349 DP: 1276089 |
DA/2025/1/1 |
33 Dairy Crescent - Dwelling House - Lot: 329 DP: 1276089 |
DA/2024/1027/1 |
8 Berry Avenue - Dwelling House - Lot: 321 DP: 1276089 |
CDC/2025/10/1 |
4 Laurel Street - Inground Fibreglass Pool - Lot: 171 DP: 1260225 |
CDC/2024/426/1 |
46 Station Street - Swimming Pool - Lot: 205 DP: 1275771 |
DA/2018/533/2 |
80 Rockbarton Road - S4.55 - Design Changes - Lot: 142 DP: 751261 |
DA/2024/1007/1 |
80 Rockbarton Road - Swimming Pool - Lot: 142 DP: 751261 |
DA/2024/1041/1 |
220 Steveys Forest Road - Dwelling Additions - Lot: 154 DP: 751261 |
DA/2024/17/2 |
24 Vicary Lane - S4.55 - Design Changes - Lot: 205 DP: 1188084 |
DA/2024/991/1 |
135 Nectarbrook Drive - Retaining Walls - Lot: 13 DP: 270375 |
DA/2024/988/1 |
155 Nightingale Road - Shed - Lot: 32 DP: 255689 |
403 Argyle Street - Modification to DA/2006/58372/1 - S4.55(1A) Amend condition 2.5 to extend trading hours for the service station to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Lot: 1 DP: 530821 |
DA/2024/864/1 |
410 Argyle Street - Secondary Dwelling - Lot: 41 DP: 1067830 |
DA/2024/812/1 |
207 Menangle Street - Internal alterations and additions to existing office building - Lot: 0 SP: 92620 |
DA/2024/812/1 |
207B Menangle Street - Internal alterations and additions to existing office building - Lot: 1 SP: 92620 |
DA/2024/817/1 |
8 Hereford Way - Continued Use of Shed - Lot: 149 DP: 1042081 |
CDC/2025/17/1 |
4 Yallambi Street - Swim spa - Lot: 60 DP: 1238031 |
52 Fairlea Road - Alterations and additions to an existing attached dual occupancy - Lot: 31 DP: 1137209 |
DA/2025/21/1 |
410 Mount Hercules Road - Swimming Pool - Lot: 51 DP: 1196496 |
DA/2023/827/2 |
13 Langmead Road - S4.55 - Design Changes - Lot: 53 DP: 787085 |
DA/2022/982/2 |
110 Eltons Road - S4.55 - Design Changes - Lot: 31 DP: 825782 |
DA/2020/154/2 |
212 Taylors Road - S4.55 - Design Changes - Lot: 2 DP: 1009424 |
DA/2024/213/2 |
11 Ritchie Road - S4.55 - Design Changes - Lot: 70 DP: 804635 |
DA/2024/1022/1 |
42 Gibson Street - Continued Use of Carport - Lot: 45 DP: 856353 |
Bullen Drive - Dwelling House & Retaining Walls (Proposed Lot 643 Serengeti Circuit) - Lot: 500 DP: 1275379 |
Bullen Drive - Dwelling House & Retaining Walls (Proposed Lot 644 Serengeti Circuit) - Lot: 500 DP: 1275379 |
Bullen Drive - Dwelling House & Retaining Walls (Proposed Lot 665 Bullen Drive) - Lot: 500 DP: 1275379 |
CDC/2025/1/1 |
41 Serengeti Circuit - Fibreglass Swimming Pool - Lot: 542 DP: 1275379 |
CDC/2025/4/1 |
8 Langmead Road - Installation of inground fibreglass swimming pool - Lot: 39 DP: 777388 |
DA/2024/686/1 |
18 Chapman Street - Detached dual occupancy and two lot Torrens title subdivision - Lot: 530 DP: 9278 |
DA/2024/827/1 |
42 Burton Drive - Group home - Lot: 18 DP: 1243282 |
DA/2024/881/1 |
19 Progress Street - Shed - Lot: 9 DP: 550436 |
DA/2024/925/1 |
15 River Road - Shed - Lot: 304 DP: 1169488 |
DA/2024/1015/1 |
23 Burton Drive - Dwelling House - Lot: 51 DP: 1245984 |
CDC/2025/7/1 |
75 Kangaroo Road - Inground Fibreglass Pool - Lot: 1 DP: 1109671 |
8 Burragorang Street - Demolition of a Dwelling House, Construction of a Dwelling House and Secondary Dwelling - Lot: 1 DP: 1064077 |
DA/2024/941/1 |
21 Wintle Road - Swimming Pool - Lot: 36 DP: 1238060 |
DA/2024/1029/1 |
2 Browns Road - Shed and Retaining Walls - Lot: 1 DP: 775993 |
DA/2025/12/1 |
1210 Werombi Road - Shed - Lot: 102 DP: 1005119 |
690 Werombi Road - Demolition / Removal of Existing Secondary Dwelling, Proposed Secondary Dwelling and Swimming Pool - Lot: 14 DP: 702277 |
375 Thirlmere Way - Modification to DA/2019/234/1 - S4.55(1A) Modify to an approved three lot subdivision, demolition of structures, tree removal and retaining walls - Lot: 11 Sec: 1 DP: 2339 |
373 Thirlmere Way - Modification to DA/2019/234/1 - S4.55(1A) Modify to an approved three lot subdivision, demolition of structures, tree removal and retaining walls - Lot: 10 Sec: 1 DP: 2339 |
DA/2024/1023/1 |
8 Silky Oak Place - Dwelling House, Shed and Retaining Walls - Lot: 4 DP: 1275833 |
DA/2024/1042/1 |
18 Silky Oak Place - Swimming Pool - Lot: 8 DP: 1275833 |
CDC/2025/28/1 |
2485 Silverdale Road - Detached steel frame shed - Lot: 4 DP: 209325 |
DA/2024/992/1 |
1 Cattle Lane - Dwelling House - Lot: 1132 DP: 1289197 |
DA/2025/4/1 |
10 McLellan Street - Swimming Pool - Lot: 181 DP: 280093 |
DA/2025/5/1 |
19 Dugay Street - Dwelling House - Lot: 255 DP: 280093 |
DA/2024/984/1 |
60 Wilton Road - Shed - Lot: 10 DP: 1096901 |
DA/2024/931/1 |
15 Broughton Street - Shed - Lot: 13 DP: 800419 |
DA/2024/1020/1 |
42 Greenbridge Drive - Secondary Dwelling and Retaining Walls - Lot: 61 DP: 280028 |
DA/2025/10/1 |
4 McLellan Street - Dwelling House and Retaining Wall - Lot: 184 DP: 280093 |
CDC/2025/8/1 |
43 Clifton Crescent - Retaining Wall & Associated Earthworks - Lot: 1040 DP: 1289197 |
10 Kangaloon Close - Construction of an in-ground concrete swimming pool 5m x 3m - Lot: 31 DP: 280029 |
CDC/2025/3/1 |
54 Butler Drive - Construction of an inground Swimming Pool. - Lot: 45 DP: 280093 |
CDC/2025/5/1 |
43 Clifton Crescent - Dwelling - Lot: 1040 DP: 1289197 |
CDC/2025/11/1 |
14 Oswald Street - Dwelling with double garage - Lot: 1009 DP: 1280876 |
CDC/2025/14/1 |
3 Davisland Avenue - Retaining Walls and associated earthworks - Lot: 969 DP: 1280874 |
CDC/2025/15/1 |
4 Clemont Street - Single storey dwelling house - Lot: 1109 DP: 1289197 |
CDC/2025/16/1 |
27 Harvest Way - Single storey dwelling with attached secondary dwelling - Lot: 1137 DP: 1289197 |
CDC/2025/6/1 |
42 Karkanah Street - Single storey dwelling - Lot: 360 DP: 280093 |
CDC/2025/13/1 |
5 Davisland Avenue - Retaining Walls and associated works - Lot: 968 DP: 1280874 |
CDC/2025/19/1 |
16 Greenway Parade - Construction of retaining walls & associated works - Lot: 970 DP: 1280874 |
CDC/2025/12/1 |
1 Isabel Lane - Retaining Walls and associated works - Lot: 967 DP: 1280874 |