For more information on online lodgement, please visit the NSW Planning Portal. If you need further information on the Development Application process please visit our Preparing a DA page.
The Development Application lodgement process aimed at reducing waiting times and assisting applicants with their applications. This applies to all Development Applications and Applications to Modify Development Consent.
Development Applications are lodged directly through the NSW Planning Portal.
During the assessment of your application Council will communicate with you through the Planning Portal if any additional information is required. All additional information you provide must also be submitted to Council through the Planning Portal.
Upon official lodgement you will be able to follow the progress of your application on Council’s DA Tracker.
Once your application is lodged Council's planning staff will conduct an initial review within 14 days of lodgement. If the application lacks required documentation, it may be returned so that the all documents can be supplied, and the application resubmitted.
During assessment, if information is not adequate or additional information is required to complete the assessment of your application, Council’s planning staff will contact you to outline what additional information is required.
If you are unable to meet the timeframe specified for submitting additional information you may request in writing for Council to grant you an extension. If information is not provided within the time frame specified and an extension has not been requested or approved your application may be refused.
Once submitted your application will be checked by Council staff to ensure it is complete. If your application is incomplete it will be returned to you through the Portal with details of what is missing.
If your application is complete it will be accepted for lodgement. A quote for applicable fees will be provided via the Portal and a Customer Service Officer will contact the nominated payee for payment of the fees. Fee quotes are also available by contacting Council on (02) 4677 1100. Applications are not legally lodged with Council until the application fees have been paid in full.
If you need assistance, please contact Council on (02) 4677 1100 or email
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