Wollondilly Youth Week 2020
Posted on: 21.09.2020
A range of free activities will be available for Wollondilly’s young people this coming school holidays as part of Youth Week celebrations.
Targeted at young people aged 12-24 years, Youth Week is usually celebrated around Australia in April each year.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, this year Youth Week was postponed, but the Wollondilly Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) are pleased to announce that they have a number of activities happening in the September/October school holidays.
The theme for Youth Week 2020 is Speak up. Be involved. Get connected. Have fun.
All activities are free, thanks to the funding provided by the NSW Government and Council.
Wollondilly Mayor Robert Khan said, “Council and the Wollondilly Youth Advisory Committee has some fantastic events planned for Youth Week.”
“This is a great time to celebrate young people in our community and we hope to give them access to activities that they might not normally be able to afford or be able to travel to.”
Mandala drawing workshop
Date: Wednesday 30 September
Time: 11am
Venue: The Dilly YACFacebook page
Age: All ages
Learn tips and ideas for making a mandala drawing.
Resume Writing Workshop
Date: Tuesday 6 October
Time: 4-6pm
Venue: Wollondilly Library, Menangle Street, Picton
Age: 14+
How to write an effective resume and cover letter, techniques to present your skills, post workshop email support is included.
Bookings can be made here
Paint and Sip
Date: Saturday 10 October
Time: 2-4pm
Venue: Wollondilly Library, 42 Menangle Street Picton
Age: 16-24
All equipment provided. Snacks and drinks provided (Non- alcoholic event)
Places are limited so bookings are essential.
All workshops will be held in accordance with current COVID-19 regulations and restrictions.
For more information please contact youth@wollondilly.nsw.gov.au or 46779613/46779514
Don’t forget to like the Dilly YAC Facebook page and Instagram for more details and updates!