Council supports name for new park at Appin
Posted on: 12.12.2024
Wollondilly Council has supported a proposal to name a new park at Appin ‘Toggerai Park’ subject to support by the Tharawal Local Aboriginal Land Council and relevant elders.
The park on Appin Road is currently under construction by the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure as part of the NSW Government’s Parks for People Program. Following the completion of the park’s construction, the site will be transferred to Council’s ownership.
Consultation has taken place with a number of representatives from the Appin Historical Society, Dharawal representatives and Council, identifying Toggerai Park as an appropriate name to acknowledge the cultural significance of the area. Council will now talk to the Land Council and local elders to confirm their support.
Mayor Matt Gould said, “This name acknowledges the Dharawal people and celebrates their connection to the land. The Dharawal people are the original inhabitants and traditional custodians of Appin.”
“Toggerai is the Dharawal name for the Georges River and its translation means ‘cold’. The new park is bounded by the Georges River and the Dharawal National Park.”
“Council is happy to support this name for the park to proceed with an application to the Geographical Names Board once we have confirmation of support from the Tharawal Local Aboriginal Land Council and the relevant elders.”
The park is currently under construction by the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure as part of the NSW Government’s Parks for People Program.
The site will be developed into a destination park featuring children’s play equipment, amenities, car parking, and picnic facilities.