Wollondilly Council’s Contributions Plan reviewed to align with growth demands
Posted on: 11.12.2024
Wollondilly Shire Council has endorsed an updated draft Contributions Plan for public exhibition, setting Council’s policy position on the types of local infrastructure required and the delivery priorities for the towns and villages outside of the Wilton and Appin Growth Areas.
Replacing the Wollondilly Contributions Plan 2020, the updated Plan aims to provide adequate funding for much needed local infrastructure all over the Shire, and will give Council, developers and the community confidence that development contributions will be fairly distributed to support the Shire’s growing communities.
The draft Plan proposes a levy of $20,080 per lot. It is expected that the total cost of local infrastructure to be levied under the plan will be $66M, to be shared between transport, open space, and community facilities. Technical studies will determine the local infrastructure works that can be included in the Contributions Plan.
Mayor Matt Gould said, “The existing Wollondilly Contributions Plan which came into effect in July 2020 has seen $26M in contributions collected to support investment all across the Shire.”
“Significant Contributions projects that were completed or are underway all over the Shire include the Performing Arts Centre, the Picton to Tahmoor shareway, the Kennedy Creek cycleway at Appin, the Remembrance Driveway and Finns Road Roundabout at Cawdor, the Old Menangle School building and park, and funds for current projects at Tahmoor District Sportsground.”
“It is essential that we have the infrastructure in place for our growing communities right across the Shire, and that this doesn’t place an unreasonable burden on our current residents.”
“The revision of the Contributions Plan will enable us to provide the infrastructure required to support our current and future Wollondilly communities, in line with Council’s priorities and our Capital Works Program.”
The Draft Contributions Plan will go on public exhibition in the new year, and once adopted will authorise Council to require development contributions towards the provision of local infrastructure over the next 10 years. Following this, Council will repeal Part A (The Shire) of the Wollondilly Contributions Plan 2020.