Posted on: 13.03.2025
This morning’s announcement by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese that he will commit $1billion dollars towards rail corridors allowing for a connection from the Macarthur region to the new Western Sydney Airport has been warmly welcomed by Wollondilly Shire Council.
Wollondilly has for many years been working with The Parks, Sydney’s Western Parkland Councils, together with the Macarthur Mayors and the South Western Sydney Alliance to advocate strongly for the government to prioritise the full north-south link from Macarthur to Tallawong and build a metro connection to join the Macarthur region to jobs and other opportunities at the Western Sydney Airport aerotropolis.
The Prime Minister has promised to spend $1billion towards buying land corridors for a rail connection between Bradfield and Macarthur, as well as Leppington, if the Labor party is re-elected this year.
Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould said, “This is a positive next step in getting a much-needed rail connection built for our rapidly growing population, to access the new airport and close the rail loop in south-west Sydney.”
“Wollondilly has been part of a growing chorus of voices calling for an investment into the metro link, and today’s announcement is a great start to get this project under way. We need to see the delivery of a full south-north rail from Macarthur to Tallawong.”
“This is a key next step in connecting western Sydney to Western Sydney Airport and addressing the major infrastructure gap for our region. It’s about time we have our fair share.”
“Nation-Building infrastructure like this should be bi-partisan and I also look forward to seeing a commitment on this from the Coalition in the lead up to the Federal election.”