Local jobs to be fast-tracked under proposal to accelerate delivery of new cultural & community buildings for Wollondilly
Posted on: 13.05.2020
Local economic stimulus, construction jobs and more employment in Picton town centre for the broader Wollondilly community are on the agenda when Council considers a plan to accelerate the Wollondilly Community, Cultural and Civic Precinct project at its 19 May meeting.
The plan is part of Wollondilly’s strategy to kick-start the local economy through infrastructure investment and small business support, as well as to support residents in financial hardship due to the economic impacts of Covid-19.
Construction works for Stage 1 of the project are planned to start in the coming month and are fully funded, including $10.7 million in grant funding from the Western Sydney Liveability Program.
Mayor Matthew Deeth said, “Council has resolved to build the Wollondilly Community, Cultural & Civic Precinct at Picton to deliver a range of much needed new and improved services, enhancing liveability and economic viability for the growing Wollondilly community.”
“Crucially right now with the impacts of Covid-19, construction of the Precinct will provide local economic stimulus, creating more jobs in the Shire and supporting local businesses and the community now and into the future.”
“The construction industry is the biggest employer of Wollondilly residents and Council is investing in infrastructure to help kickstart the local economy.”
Council will look at a project status update at Tuesday night’s Council Meeting and will consider accelerating implementation of Stage 1 to provide local economic stimulus at this critical time.
Mayor Deeth noted, “Delivery of this project does not affect funding for Council’s road renewal and upgrade program which will continue as a critical priority.”
“The first stage is already fully-funded by grants, developer contributions and building renewal funds.”
Moving forward, the Precinct will deliver much needed community floor space, performance and entertainment spaces as well as a beautiful new green civic square.
The design includes a contemporary library catering for much needed remote work and study opportunities, embellished open spaces, improved government services and a safe meeting place for the community to come together.
The full Precinct Master Plan is structured over four key stages with an anticipated 10 year delivery program at a total estimated investment of $76m (current value).
It will be funded utilising secured and available grants, received and projected development contributions, asset renewal funding, as well as loans where necessary to assist in the timely implementation of the Master Plan.
Stage 1 of the project will occur over approximately four years (2020 - 2023) and will involve demolition of buildings and relocation of some services, new car parking, initial refurbishments of the Shire Hall, construction of a new performance space and construction of a new childcare building / future art space and cafe.
Stage 2 (2020 – 2024) will involve construction of a new Council Services Centre and basement parking to enable more effective Council services.
Stage 3 (2023 – 2027) will focus on the creation of a new green civic square, demolition of the existing Council building, further Shire Hall improvements, and additional car parking.
Stage 4 (2026 – 2030) will feature the construction of new library and learning centre, repurposing of existing library, and public domain works across the Precinct and to Colden Street and Manolis Lane.