4600 future jobs on the cards as Council gives conditional support to new employment park at Moreton Park Road
Posted on: 04.03.2025
At last week’s Council meeting, Wollondilly Shire Council voted to give conditional support to a draft Planning Proposal that will rezone land near the Hume Highway at Moreton Park Road, Menangle for general industrial (employment) uses, subject to a number of amendments to address community concerns.
Lodged by Mirvac, the proposed rezoning would facilitate the development of a business park housing large warehouse and distribution buildings, communal spaces and recreational facilities. It would maintain the existing rural zone on land adjoining the Nepean River, which has been identified for conservation under the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan.
The business park is expected to provide 113ha of employment space and according to the Economic Impact Assessment would create approximately 4,600 jobs, including 2,500 direct jobs specifically associated with the future uses like manufacturing and 2,100 indirect jobs, such as transport.
An assessment has shown that the proposal would bring significant positive benefits to the community, including the expected delivery of critical regional infrastructure such as access to the Hume Highway via a proposed northern interchange, a realignment and upgrade of Moreton Park Road, and water and interim wastewater servicing.
However, concerns have been raised by the community including who would fund the proposed interchange and other essential services, how the koala corridor would be protected, and the impact on the local road network including the Menangle Village.
Deputy Mayor Matthew Deeth said, “We are looking for jobs in the Shire, and we really need to get this balance right to ensure infrastructure is in place and our environment is protected.”
“On the advice of the Local Planning Panel, Council has given conditional support for the draft Planning Proposal subject to a number of amendments being completed prior to it being submitted to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for Gateway determination.”
“We need to have protection in place for heritage items such as the Gilbulla Estate, and we have recommended the implementation of a minimum buffer of 390m between the eastern rezoning boundary and the Nepean River to protect the koala corridor.”
“We want to see a commitment to the funding of the associated infrastructure for the proposal including the proposed Hume Highway interchange.”
“Council is also seeking confirmation of funding, delivery timeframe and scope of works for water and wastewater infrastructure works required to connect the land to the Sydney Water network.
Land to the west of the Hume Highway was recommended to be removed from the draft proposal, as it is not identified within the Wollondilly Employment Land Strategy Addendum 2022. Council also agreed that there was insufficient evidence to justify any reduction of the Menangle Landscape Conservation Area within the site.
Council also recommended the introduction of a 16-metre maximum building height for land to be rezoned north of Moreton Park Road and 25 metres for the remainder of the land.
The proposal received forty-four submissions from the community, with many objecting to the draft proposal and a number of submissions with mixed or supportive views. Thirteen submissions were received from public agencies with no objections, although several issues requiring attention were raised.
The final conditional approval responds to and addresses he issues raised in the submissions.
The draft proposal was considered by the Local Planning Panel on 6 February 2025. On balance, it was considered that the draft proposal with recommended amendments) demonstrates strategic merit and is largely consistent with the strategic planning framework.