Council’s draft Operational Plan & Budget focuses on core services and planning for growth, with record $179m investment in capital works
Posted on: 02.05.2023
With a record $179 million anticipated to be spent on capital works in the next four years, Wollondilly Shire Council’s draft 23/24 Operational Plan and Budget places a substantial ongoing investment into roads and priority infrastructure assets across the Shire.
This includes a massive $56.1 million investment in 2023/24 and infrastructure delivery all across the Shire, from Warragamba to Yanderra, Oakdale to Menangle and Appin to Thirlmere.
A proposed budget of $30.4 million for roads in 2023/24 will build on the massive investment in last year’s budget and will include an extensive heavy patching program as well as additional resources to contribute to road repairs, such as an additional emergency pothole crew and an internal traffic control crew.
The draft Operational Plan and Budget also includes an unprecedented contribution to community and sporting facilities in towns and villages across the Shire, improving these important services for the whole community.
Mayor Matt Gould said, “Our Council is proud that this draft 2023/24 Operational Plan invests all over the Shire, with towns and villages all across our 2500km2 seeing the benefits of a record infrastructure spend.”
“Along with a record investment in roads and infrastructure projects, in the year ahead Council will be placing a stronger focus on continuous improvement, enhanced service delivery and organisational performance.”
“At this crucial time in our Shire’s history we need to provide the appropriate resources to enable the delivery of core services for the community, as well as adequately plan for and respond to growth.”
“We are looking forward to hearing feedback from the community and the community can provide feedback via the Your Say Wollondilly website.”
When it comes to planning for the future, more resources will be focussed on rural and employment planning and growth area management, to create more jobs and achieve sustainable outcomes in Wollondilly’s growth areas.
Council will also concentrate on increased DA determination service levels and customer service, including an investment in development engineering to increase the speed and quality of referrals.
In addition, there will be better resourcing and in-house software management to improve customer experience and cyber-security.
The 2023/24 draft Operational Plan and Budget, Revenue Policy, Capital Works Program and Fees and Charges be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days, from 1 to 28 May 2023 on Council’s Your Say website.