Wollondilly Shire Council draft Shire Wide Flood Study is now on Public Exhibition
Posted on: 04.05.2022
The draft Shire Wide Flood Study uses the latest topographic data and modelling techniques, as well as local knowledge, in an effort to better understand the nature and extent of flooding across the Wollondilly Shire.
In the previous round of consultation, Council asked the community to share their knowledge of flooding history and rainfall amounts in Wollondilly and received a significant amount of helpful information. That input has helped inform the detailed flood modelling to produce flood mapping that identifies existing flood risk, and will inform future floodplain management.
Council is now seeking information from residents of the Wollondilly Shire to verify this study, by providing their personal observations and experiences. There are a number of ways community members can access the study and make a submission. For more information, visit our Your Say Wollondilly Platform.
Council wants to hear from residents who can share details with us on their local observations, knowledge and experience, so that Council is able to undertake detailed studies in these key areas. Council will be collating the feedback received and is also inviting residents to join a targeted drop-in session during May. The sessions available are:
- 18 May at The Oaks Community Hall from 4pm to 7pm
- 24 May at Appin AIS Community Hall from 4pm to 7pm
- 26 May at Tahmoor CWA Hall from 3pm to 6pm
Mayor Matt Gould said, “I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to this study so far.
Recent storm events have highlighted that it is more important than ever to be aware of flood risks where you live, and we are eager to have residents continue be involved in this crucial process.”
“The more we can learn about how floodwaters are likely to behave, the better prepared we can be and the better we can protect our communities, the environment and our properties.”
Council is undertaking the Flood Study under the guidance of the NSW Flood Prone Land Policy, which requires Council to manage the existing flood risk with consideration to the social, economic and environmental impacts of flooding for the short, medium and long term. Council has engaged consultants Advisian to carry out the Flood Study.