Schools, public transport, playing fields, swimming pools and more - plans for Wilton revealed
Posted on: 12.11.2020
Schools, public transport, playing fields, swimming pools, health facilities, major road upgrades, community facilities and more are on the agenda for Wilton, all part of the infrastructure plan published by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment yesterday.
Wollondilly Mayor Robert Khan has welcomed the release of the Department’s infrastructure delivery summary ‘Wilton - Building a great new town’ and encouraged community members to have a look and see what will be delivered in Wilton over the next 20 years.
“For many years Council has been calling for infrastructure for Wilton to be accelerated and the release of a comprehensive plan outlining the infrastructure and services that will be available to Wilton and the wider Wollondilly community,” he said.
“Now, for the first time, we can see what will be delivered in the new town over the next 20 years; including transport connections, schools, health care facilities and shopping centres.”
“The plan outlines over $1.1 billion in state and local infrastructure investment in Wilton, plus developer-led infrastructure investment that will make Wilton a fantastic place to live and visit.”
“Council is pleased to see the plans include delivery of upgrades to the Wilton interchange and Picton Road, with new on and off ramps connecting to the Hume Highway at North Wilton.”
“A public transport interchange will initially provide rapid bus connections, but Transport for NSW is investigating options to connect to Sydney’s electrified rail network and a hopefully we’ll have a train station in the future.”
In an exciting week for Wilton, the exhibition period for the Wilton Town Centre proposal has now begun, with Council encouraging all Wollondilly residents to have a look at the plans and provide feedback to the State Government.
Key infrastructure identified in Wilton 2040 includes:
- upgrades to the Wilton Interchange and Picton Road, and new on- and off-ramps connecting to the Hume Motorway at North Wilton
- pedestrian and cycling networks connecting across Wilton
- a new kindergarten to Year 12 public school at Wilton Town Centre
- land in South East Wilton and North Wilton for future education purposes
- playing fields adjoining new schools connected to a network of local parks
- a public transport interchange in the Wilton Town Centre
- community and health care facilities in the Wilton Town Centre
- community facilities in local town centres in South East Wilton, North Wilton and West Wilton
- protection of conservation areas through preservation of land and a contribution to biodiversity measures (SIC)
- social infrastructure, including a leisure centre, community hub and three neighbourhood centres
- open space development, including 17 local parks and 16 neighbourhood parks.
To read the infrastructure phasing plan brochure, head to
To have a look at the planning proposal and have your say, head to