Roads, sporting fields and community facilities plus improved performance major focus in Council’s new Operational Plan and Budget
Posted on: 12.07.2022
In response to community feedback, Wollondilly Council’s newly adopted 2022/23 Operational Plan and Budget prioritises the Shire’s road network and also focusses on community infrastructure, planning for growth, local economic development, and improving organisational performance.
Mayor Matt Gould said, “This plan outlines how Council will continue to deliver important ongoing services for the Wollondilly community in the year ahead in order to deliver better outcomes for everyone.”
“It is imperative that we focus on core business, but also that we prepare for the significant growth ahead for our Shire.”
To maintain service delivery and enable ongoing improvements to the customer experience, Council will be digitising the planning approval process to allow for seamless transactions between local and State government platforms, as well as increasing efficiency resulting in faster DA determination times.
Council will make the process easier for its customers with added resourcing for Development Services, as well as further investment in Strategic Planning to prepare for and manage the future demands of growth, particularly in Wilton and the NSW Government’s Greater Macarthur Growth Area.
The direct investment of over $48M in local capital works to improve the Shire will stimulate local jobs through project delivery. The local economy will also be boosted with the implementation of the Employment Lands Strategy to open up land for job creating businesses.
Council will continue to advocate for economic development opportunities to support existing primary production uses and promote awareness of Wollondilly as a visitor destination through strategically focussed Love the Dilly and Visit Wollondilly campaigns.
Other highlights of the Operational Plan include:
- A Council-run preschool service in the new Children’s Services Building
- A mobile recovery hub which will be available to support and assist residents and businesses before, during and after potential future natural disasters.
- Preparation of a Community Sport and Recreation Strategy, with the health and wellbeing of Wollondilly residents in mind.
- A simplified approvals process for events to further support the local economy
- The commencement of a process to rezone land for local employment.
- A Shire-wide Koala Plan of Management to make sure Wollondilly’s unique koala population and their habitat is protected now and into the future.
- A sustainability framework to save costs and increase climate change resilience in the Shire.
- Preparation of a business case to relocate Council’s depot
- The opening of the new Smart Hub in the Old Picton Post Office for use by local businesses, groups and individuals.
- The next stage of the Love the Dilly campaign to further promote the beautiful natural surroundings of the Wollondilly Shire and its unique villages and attractions.
- Improvements to the development assessment process to make the customer experience more positive for users.
- An improved digital customer service through the online portal.
- An updated Community Engagement Strategy
- A Business Enhancement Plan to make the organisation even more efficient and effective as it prepares for the future.