Jobs, infrastructure & more on the way for Wilton as NSW Government announces Wilton Town Centre rezoning
Posted on: 02.11.2021
The NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE) has announced the rezoning of the Wilton Town Centre Precinct, which will be the residential, retail, commercial and entertainment centre of the Wilton Growth Area.
The project will mean up to an additional 7,000 new local jobs, 1,600 homes, a new K-12 school, a new public transport terminal, and facilities including libraries, sporting fields, a leisure centre and community facilities will be created at Wilton.
The Town Centre Precinct is a critical part of making Wilton a great town, providing a vibrant centre for both existing and new residents.
Council has been advocating strongly to ensure Wilton gets the infrastructure it needs, when it needs it, and to ensure that it has everything it requires to build a thriving, healthy community.
The rezoning of the Wilton Town Centre will take effect on 31 March 2022, allowing time for local and state Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPAs) to be finalised with the proponent. The draft VPAs will go out for public comment in early 2022.
The NSW DPIE worked with Council and State agencies to prepare the draft planning package, which was on exhibition in November and December 2020.
The Town Centre will be a major retail and commercial centre which will provide important jobs and services for Wilton and the whole Wollondilly Shire. There will be about 1600 new homes with a variety of housing types.
To support the growth, the rezoning includes land for a new public school, open space and sports fields, and improved roads and public transport infrastructure with provision for a central bus terminal.
The rezoning also provides protection for 37 hectares of environmentally sensitive land which will help provide space for local wildlife into the future.
To find out more, head to the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment website.