Councils partner to host Response, Recovery & Resilience Expo
Posted on: 26.04.2022
Wollondilly and Wingecarribee Shire Councils have teamed up with Resilience NSW and the National Recovery and Resilience Agency for a second year to host a two day Response, Recovery and Resilience Expo on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 May 2022.
Residents of both Wollondilly and Wingecarribee Shires have fresh experiences of living through natural disasters, so the councils have joined forces to make sure their communities have the best information available on how to access ongoing support.
Participants will learn what they can do to make their families, friends and pets safer, by knowing the risks and planning for what actions they will take now and during an emergency.
The Expo will also look at how to stay informed and where to find reliable information, and what can be done to look after the community, local wildlife and beautiful environment in which we live.
Day One will run from 9am – 7pm on Tuesday 3 May with presentations from guest speaker Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons from Resilience NSW, Anne Leadbeader from Leadbeater Group, and speakers from CSIRO, Insurance Council of Australia and both Wollondilly and Wingecarribee Shire Councils.
Day Two from 9am Wednesday 4 May will feature guest speakers from Blue Eco Homes, Community Links Wellbeing, Givit and Habitat for Humanity.
There will be over 30 stallholders who will have a great range of free information and resources to give out to attendees.
Registration for the Expo is free, however there are limited places each day so registration is essential to secure a place. For those unable to attend in person, links will be provided to hear from the guest speakers online.
For more information and to register head to: