Community members to have their say on Landcom’s first Neighbourhood Plan for North Wilton
Posted on: 12.08.2021
Landcom’s draft North Wilton Neighbourhood Plan No.1 is now on exhibition, with community members invited to have their say on how the new neighbourhood will look and what will be included.
This concept is aiming for a 6 Star Green Star Community rating and includes 750 dwellings with a range of lot sizes plus local facilities such as a school, playing field, and public open spaces.
This is part of a series of neighbourhood plans that will be developed for different areas of North Wilton. These plans are required for land that has been rezoned, before a development application is lodged, and need to be consistent with Wilton 2040 and Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement.
Wollondilly Mayor Robert Khan said, “The new town in Wilton is here now and growing every day as new families move in. The relaxed lifestyle on offer, connections to Sydney, Wollongong and Canberra as well as plans in place for new schools, parks and shopping centres are all part of the appeal for residents wanting to move in.”
“Council is focussed on creating vibrant, healthy and sustainable communities in Wilton and is advocating strongly for the fast-tracking of NSW Government planned infrastructure including public transport, schools, health and recreational facilities,” he said.
“We are determined to create a great new town at Wilton and are busily planning for delivery of fantastic new community facilities including parks, sporting grounds, walking and cycling paths, a library and community centre as well as aquatic facilities.”
“I’m pleased Landcom has addressed early Council and community feedback and encourage our community to have their say on the plans.”
Landcom, the NSW Government’s land and property development organisation, is the proponent of the project and is aiming for a 6 Star Green Star Community rating; which demonstrates global standards of liveability, resilience, inclusion, affordability and environmental quality.
Council would like to hear feedback on key elements of this first neighbourhood plan for North Wilton, including:
- how it responds to the area’s natural features, including water (billabongs, streams and waterfalls)
- how the road, cycle and pedestrian networks connect people to their neighbourhood and beyond
- the provision of local facilities and infrastructure, including a school, public open space and playing fields.
Submissions should be made no later than 5:00pm on Wednesday 8 September 2021. Head to Council’s Your Say page to view the documents and provide feedback.