Commemorative Place Naming for Norman Dent
Closes: Apr 9, 2025, 5:00 PM
A Mayoral Minute was put forward at the 28 November 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, supporting the naming of a Council asset in honour of the late Norman Dent of Picton NSW (10 January 1948 - 11 November 2023), for his significant contributions to the Wollondilly Shire over his lifetime. The unnamed Wood Street Reserve (Lot 43 DP 246487) has been selected for this naming honour.
Norman joined the NSW Fire Brigade on 15 September 1965 and served the Wollondilly community as a volunteer Ambulance Officer and Wollondilly Bush Fire Brigade firefighter. He was a firefighter with Fire and Rescue NSW until his retirement on 10 of January 2014 at the rank of Captain of the Picton Fire Station 421.
Norman was a life member and ex-captain of Picton Rural Fire Brigade and a founding member of the Wollondilly RFS RAFT team. He also served for many years as a community representative on Council’s Floodplain Risk Management Committee.
Norman’s dedication to his community was recognised when he was awarded the National Medal, National Medal First Clasp, National Medal Second Class, Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, Long Service and Good Conduct Medal First Class National Medal Third Class Long Service and Good Conduct Second Class.
Norman dedicated his life to his brigade and when needed would be on the fire ground to assist those members of our community that needed help. Norman was incredibly well respected by his colleagues and his community for his leadership pragmatism and willingness to always lend a hand.
Norman was devoted husband to Anne Dent, father of Donna and Michael (dec) and grandfather to Zac and Gemma.
This park location was chosen to be named in his honour as he resided in Picton and it is close to the Picton Fire & Rescue station.
The NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB) recommends that Councils when naming of assets follow the same Place Naming guidelines for parks and reserves.
General enquiries can be directed to Council’s Information Officer (Property Addressing) on (02) 4677 9736 or email
Submissions in respect to the proposed name must be in writing to, Wollondilly Shire Council at, PO Box 21, Picton NSW 2571 or email, clearly outlining reasons for such objection (quote reference CM8678).
All objections must identify where or how the proposal does not conform to the Geographical Names Board (GNB) Principles, NSW Address Policy and User Manual (APUM) & Place Naming Policy, if they are to be considered and responded to by Local Government in the decision making.
Submissions for the proposal open 17 March 2025 and closing date of 5:00pm Wednesday 9 April 2025.