Commemorative Naming | Place Naming - Trevor Thompson Park
Closes: Apr 9, 2025, 5:00 PM
A Notice of Motion (NOM) was put forward at the 24 April 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, resolution 117/2024, supporting the renaming of Ibbotson Street Park (Lot 21 DP 244846) in honour of the late Trevor Thompson of Tahmoor NSW (9 February 1972 - 23 September 2023, age 51), for his significant contributions to the Wollondilly Shire over his lifetime.
For over three decades, Trevor committed himself to community service. He was an active member of the Rural Fire Service in Tahmoor and Thirlmere for 34 years, and held various roles, including the Group Officer's position for eight years and a Fire Investigator for 16 years. Trevor also served as the Captain of Tahmoor Rural Fire Brigade for five years (the highest rank attainable to volunteers) and was honoured as a Life Member. He also helped mentor junior investigators.
Trevor's impact on his community went beyond the boundaries of Wollondilly. He played an essential role in various disaster responses, including the 2019/2020 Green Wattle fire, the 2016 Picton weather event, and Victoria's Black Saturday fires in 2009.
His efforts earned him a National Emergency Medal. Trevor was an irreplaceable asset to his community and leaves behind a legacy of courage and selfless service.
Trevor was a devoted husband to Jacqui and father to Liam and Jonathan, brother of Jennifer and Uncle to Jaegar and Tyler. Trevor was diagnosed with Neuroendocrine cancer in 2016, and despite the physical and emotional challenges, Trevor never ceased fighting.
This park location was chosen to be named in his honour as it is close to where Trevor lived and grew up and is fitting for his significant contributions to the community of Wollondilly.
The NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB) recommends that Councils when naming of assets follow the same Place Naming guidelines for parks and reserves.
General enquiries can be directed to Council’s Information Officer (Property Addressing) on (02) 4677 9736 or email
Submissions in respect to the proposed name must be in writing to, Wollondilly Shire Council at, PO Box 21, Picton NSW 2571 or email , clearly outlining reasons for such objection (quote reference CM8678).
All objections must identify where or how the proposal does not conform to the Geographical Names Board (GNB) NSW Address Policy and User Manual (APUM) & Place Naming Policy, if they are to be considered and responded to by Local Government in the decision making.
Submissions for the proposal open 17 March 2025 and closing date of 5:00pm Wednesday 9 April 2025.