We found 1 related link for “meeting”
Council currently convenes a range of meetings throughout the year.
To find out more about Council's meetings select from the list below:
… facility.
The $5.2m project was funded under the NSW Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Fund, and we acknowledge their generous contribution to sport in Wollondilly.
The new multipurpose building includes:
· grandstand seating
· meeting rooms
· canteens
· storerooms
· a caller box
· a club room
· male and female accessible change rooms and toilets
Mayor Matt Gould was delighted to be a part of this inspirational project. He sa…
… Council Asset
Botanic Gardens Stage in PICTON NSW
“Don Jones Stage”
© Wollondilly Shire Council. © Department of Customer Service
Commemorative ASSET Naming for DON JONES
A Mayoral Minute was put forward at the 28 November 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, resolution 304/2023, supporting the naming of the new stage in the Picton Botanical Gardens in honour of the late Don Jones (DOD 23 October 2023), for his significant contributions to the Wollondilly Shire over his lifetime.
Don was…
Commemorative Naming – Place Naming
© Wollondilly Shire Council. © Department of Customer Service
Commemorative Place Naming for Norman Dent
A Mayoral Minute was put forward at the 28 November 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, supporting the naming of a Council asset in honour of the late Norman Dent of Picton NSW (10 January 1948- 11 November 2023), for his significant contributions to the Wollondilly Shire over his lifetime. The unnamed Wood Street Reserve (Lot…
Commemorative Naming – Place Naming
© Wollondilly Shire Council. © Department of Customer Service
Commemorative Place Naming for Trevor Keith Thompson
A Notice of Motion (NOM) was put forward at the 24 April 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, resolution 117/2024, supporting the renaming of Ibbotson Street Park (Lot 21 DP 244846) in honour of the late Trevor Thompson of Tahmoor NSW (9 February 1972- 23 September 2023, age 51), for his significant contributions to the Wol…
Council currently convenes a range of meetings throughout the year.
To find out more about Council's meetings select from the list below:
Extraordinary Council Meetings may be called from time to time.
The public will be given a minimum of three days notice of Extraordinary Meetings.
Agenda and Minutes for Extraordinary Council Meetings are located on Council's Agenda and Minutes Website.
In exceptional circumstances or where social distancing requirements are in place, meetings will may be held online. Details on how to join will be made available on this page when applicable.
Extraordinary Meetings are open to the publi…
… variety of native plants, from grasses and groundcovers to shrubs, vines and shade trees.
The community nursery is not just a nursery though; it's also a community resource centre where local environmental, conservation and community groups can hold meetings, training days and other events. Organisations such as WIRES, the Wollondilly Garden Club, Wollondilly Regenerators and Propagators and local Landcare groups meet and train there on a regular basis.
The Nursery is home to the Wollond…
… Committee meets monthly from October through until January, and more frequently as Australia Day approaches.
To learn more about what is involved or to register online please review the Australia Day Committee:
Expressions of Interest close 5pm, Wednesday 30 September 2020.
For further information, please call Council’s Events Officer on 4677 1100 or email council@wo…
… just reverting back to the old system, Council is introducing improvements that will give customers a range of options when it comes to discussing their Development Applications.
Mayor Robert Khan explained, “Customers have the choice of face to face meetings, call backs, video conferencing or written comments sent by email.”
“The ability to make appointments with our planners will provide a much more convenient service.”
“Of course, Council staff will still be happy to attend to walk-in cus…
… paper. Let's avoid, reduce, re-use and recycle at work too!
Buy Green Office Products
Organisations have significant buying power. Swinging that power around to make the best use of our limited resources is easier than ever.
Travel Together to Meetings
Travel to meetings and to work with your co-workers. It's efficient, it saves energy and it slows global warming.
Prevent Stormwater Pollution
Waste from industrial sites can cause major environmental damage if they enter the stormwa…
… following recent natural disasters including the Green Wattle Creek bushfire, flooding and Covid-19.
The plan has been developed after an extensive period of consultation, including disaster recovery forums, monthly Local Recovery and Resilience Committee meetings, surveys and direct contact with fire affected residents and businesses.
It was created under the ‘Activate Wollondilly’ framework, drawing on information collected after the June 2016 storm event which caused widespread damage acro…
… suggestions and opportunities to lower the carbon emissions of your business:
Energy Conservation
Power Down (Work)
Reduce and Offset Car Emissions (Transport)
Car Pool (Transport)
Reduce and Offset Air Travel Emissions (Transport)
Travel Together to Meetings (Work)
Install Solar Hot Water (House)
Embrace Energy Efficiency (House)
Waste Minimization
Cultivate Waste Reduction Habits (Waste)
Recycle Organic Waste (Waste)
Recycle Technical Waste (Waste)
Recycle Building and Construction Waste …
… constructed to provide modern and connected opportunities for study, gathering and learning. Repurposing of Former Library Building The current library building will be internally refitted as an arts and community space – with facilities for workshops, meetings and exhibitions. The narrow laneway between this building and the Shire Hall will be activated as an Arts Lane. The value of Stage 4 is estimated at $21.5m.
Read more about "Stage 4"...… Inclusion
Australia Day
Recovery and Resilience
Agriculture and Rural Industries
History and Heritage
If you’d like to apply to be on a Strategic Reference Group or Advisory Group, head to Council’s website https://www.wollondilly.nsw.gov.au/council/meetings/council-committees-and-advisory-groups/strategic-reference-group-and-advisory-group-expression-of-interest/ to click on the one you are interested in. You will be asked to:
Read through the “Terms of Reference” document which will…
… at risk and damaged habitat for endangered species such as the Regent Honey Eater as well as Aboriginal sites and artefacts, with opposition to the plan also supported by UNESCO.
Council’s advocacy over the years has included a series of community meetings, an ongoing social media and media campaign, letters to members of parliament, and meetings with environmental experts and indigenous representatives.
Council also provided a detailed submission on the impacts of the project to the 2021 E…