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Council currently convenes a range of meetings throughout the year.
To find out more about Council's meetings select from the list below:
… Council brings a refreshed focus and vision for the Shire, and Wollondilly residents will soon have the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Resourcing Strategy, following Tuesday night’s Council meeting.
The Community Strategic Plan seeks to identify Wollondilly’s priorities for the future, and articulates where we want to be as a community within the next 10 years. It is the highest level plan for Wollondilly Shire Council, and is used b…
Wollondilly Council is committed to making the Wollondilly Shire a more inclusive and accessible place to live and work.
At Tuesday night’s meeting, Council endorsed the Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) 2022-2026 to ensure ongoing support for people with disability and their carers to be involved fully in community life.
Mayor Matt Gould said, “With one in five people in Australia living with some form of disability, we want to make sure that that Council’s services, facilities and acti…
Wollondilly Shire Council has unanimously agreed to object, in the strongest possible terms, to the Department of Planning and Environment’s proposed post exhibition changes to the Wilton Growth Area Housing Complying Development Code.
At the recent Council meeting, Councillors expressed their extreme disappointment upon learning that the Department was considering a number of post exhibition changes to the draft Wilton Code in response to lobbying from the development industry.
Mayor Matt Gou…
About Policies Community Meeting Further Information Further Information About Policies Community Meeting Further Information Planning for the Aerotropolis The Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Environment (DPIE) is currently undertaking the strategic planning for the greenfield land around the airport will unlock opportunities to deliver new jobs and homes supported by key infrastructure in the heart of Western Sydney, bringing us another step closer to realis…
Read more about "Further Information"...About Policies Community Meeting Further Information Policies About Policies Community Meeting Further Information State Environmental Planning Policy 2020Western Sydney AerotropolisIn late 2020, a new State Environmental Planning Policy was made to support the Western Sydney Aerotropolis.The State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020 (WSA SEPP) applies to land in Wollondilly (primarily the northern portion) through Part 3 Development controls – Ai…
Read more about "Policies"...… matters and strategic priorities, Strategic Reference Groups and Advisory Groups provide community members with opportunities to contribute and participate.The system was implemented and members appointed under Council Resolution 159/2022 at the Council meeting of June 2022. Explore SRG's & AG's Community Forums The monthly Community Forums provide the community with the opportunity to address Council on matters relating to the Council Meeting Agenda, or any general matter.These…
Read more about "Be Involved"...Wollondilly Council’s strategy to minimise disposal costs for spoil material generated from roadworks has already generated millions of dollars in savings, a report to April’s Council meeting has highlighted.
The report demonstrates not only that Council has a solid strategy to minimise disposal costs as much as possible but also that its strategy of reduction, recycling and disposal has generated savings of over $31 million dollars over the past three years when compared with commercial landfi…
… hitting major milestones as it brings to life a wide range of transformative projects across the Shire, with a total of 23 items from its Delivery Program already completed since the start of the 2022/23 Financial Year.
A report to the next Council meeting shows the progress of the Delivery Program from 1 January to 30 June; highlighting that 123 projects or actions are progressing on track, with some ahead of schedule.
Mayor Matt Gould said, “Some impressive targets have been reached in the…
At the upcoming Wollondilly Shire Council meeting, Council will consider a recommendation to update the Picton Town Centre Transport Masterplan 2026 and pause implementation of some of the recommended works in the short to medium term.
The question of how to address congestion in the Picton Town Centre has been a focus of Council and the community for many years, with significant work undertaken on the Transport Masterplan since 2018.
In early 2022, Council resolved to test the findings of the…
Wollondilly Shire Council has accepted the tender of Antill Park Country Golf Club for the operation and management of the iconic Antill Park Golf Course, achieving a fantastic outcome for the Wollondilly community at last night’s Council meeting.
Under the terms of the 30-year lease, the Golf Club and Council have agreed on a significant capital investment program for the site over the next five years, including; a new golf clubhouse building and 10 room motel accommodation, repurposing of the…
… Precinct.
As our Shire’s population grows rapidly, this project together with the planned new Council Operations Depot are critical investments to ensure Council is able to manage and improve services for the Wollondilly community.
At Tuesday night’s meeting, Council adopted a prudent funding strategy for the project which includes lettable space and is demonstrated to come at no cost to ratepayers over the life of the building.
Council has accepted the tender for construction of the buildi…
Responding to today’s announcement by NSW Premier Chris Minns which ties $200 million in funding to councils based on meeting and exceeding new housing targets, Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould has reaffirmed Council’s position that infrastructure must come before development.
Wollondilly is already going above and beyond to support the NSW Government in its push to address the housing crisis. We’re one of the fastest councils in Greater Sydney and NSW for determining Development Applications and o…
Wollondilly Shire Council has committed to an ongoing significant investment in new and upgraded community and sporting facilities all across the Shire, with the adoption of the 2024/25 Operational Plan and Budget at last week’s Council meeting.
The adopted $191.7 million capital works program includes a significant $57.9 million investment in 2024/25 for infrastructure delivery, with $15.3M for halls, sportsfields and community facilities in Wollondilly’s towns and villages.
Mayor Matt Gould…
Join Wollondilly Business Chamber Meeting at Picton Bowling Club on Wednesday evening 24 July for networking and a catch up with other local businesses. This is the first official meeting as the newly rebranded and renamed Wollondilly Business Chamber.
TICKETS: $45 members / $60 non-members (includes a meal and a complimentary beverage).