Halls, Community and Sporting Facilities form centrepiece of Wollondilly’s WestInvest funding application
Posted on: 28.04.2022
Wollondilly Council will apply for funding for a range of halls, community assets and sporting facilities to benefit the whole Shire through the NSW Government’s $5 billion WestInvest program.
At Tuesday night’s meeting, Council endorsed a list of proposed competitive and non-competitive infrastructure projects across the Shire that will improve the lifestyles of residents in local communities and support economic recovery.
Under the program, Council has been allocated a guaranteed $22 million dollars and can also apply in a competitive round with 14 other councils and community groups for additional projects out of a $1.6 billion-dollar fund.
Mayor Matt Gould said. “I would like to thank the NSW Government for funding the WestInvest Program to enable the delivery of this much needed community infrastructure in Wollondilly.”
“While road repairs, renewal projects and the Picton Bypass are unfortunately not eligible for funding under the program, we will be able to undertake a massive investment in halls and community facilities across the Shire, which is great news for our residents.”
“For the first time in at least a decade, Council will be able to have all its halls operational and accessible to the community. I’m absolutely delighted to see Council delivering this critical community infrastructure.”
Council has applied for funding for the following projects under the guaranteed portion of the program:
- Appin Park Master Plan (Stage 3) - Amenities extension for community space
- Dudley Chesham Masterplan (Stage 1) - Amenity & Community Facility
- Warragamba Master Plan (Stage 1) - Netball courts
- Renew and upgrade of Oakdale Hall
- Rebuilding the Thirlmere Community Hall
- Refurbishment of the Community Hall at The Oaks
- Wollondilly Cultural Precinct - Performing Arts Centre
- Railside Drive main street upgrade Bargo
- Footpath/Shared Path Program for eight sites
Under the competitive round, Council has also endorsed a wide range of projects including:
- Renew/rebuild Mount Hunter Hall
- The purchase of new parks at Bargo and Thirlmere
- Completion of the Douglas Park sportsground Master Plan
- Relocation of the Warradale Men’s Shed
- Completion of the Tahmoor Sports Ground Masterplan
- Upgrades to Waterboard Oval at Warragamba and Hume Oval at Picton
- Upgrades to Razorback Lookout
- Completion of the Telopea Park Masterplan at Buxton
Many more projects are on the list, with towns and villages all across the Shire set to benefit from the funding.