Wollondilly Shire Council has endorsed the Appin Growth Area Contributions Plan to fund $1.53 billion worth of local infrastructure for the area, following a period of consultation where the community and relevant industry members provided feedback on the Plan.
The contributions will go towards transport, open space, stormwater management and community facilities land for a revised estimated population of 55,950 and 18,650 homes in the Appin Growth Area over a 30-year period.
The contributions…
The draft Wollondilly Shire Wide Flood Study uses topographic data, modelling techniques and local knowledge from our community to understand flood risk across Wollondilly Shire.
Your knowledge of local flooding is important and can help fine tune our draft Flood Study.
View the Draft Flood StudyYour Say Wollondilly at www.yoursay.wollondilly.nsw.gov.au [plus trackable QR code]
Council Administration Building, 62-64 Menangle Street, Picton
Wollondilly Library in Picton, 42 Menangle Street, P…
Applications Approved in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and Clause 97 of the Regulation, Notification is given that the undermentioned developments have recently been granted. Any public submissions received were carefully considered by Wollondilly Shire Council as part of the assessment of the subject application. Details of the applications and a copy of the consent together with any conditions attached is available for public vi…
Read more about "December 2023 Applications Approved"...Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould has slammed the NSW Government’s latest plan to fast-track development in Appin and leapfrog Council to assess planning proposals.
Housing Minister Anthony Roberts announced today he will be fast-tracking the destruction of 2,460ha in Appin, taking on assessment of three large housing proposals for a total of 16,000 homes within Wollondilly.
Mayor Gould said, “We are bitterly disappointed at the NSW Government’s rushed announcement and that once again we are seeing…
Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould has welcomed the decision of the Strategic Planning Panel of the Sydney Western City to not proceed with a Planning Proposal at Brooks Point Road, Appin without the infrastructure plan in place.
In considering the request for a Rezoning Review, the Panel recognised the issues identified by Council staff, the Local Planning Panel and the decisions of the Council, and supported the need for fully funded infrastructure before rezoning.
Mayor Gould noted, “I am pleased…
Wollondilly Council has supported a proposal to name a new park at Appin ‘Toggerai Park’ subject to support by the Tharawal Local Aboriginal Land Council and relevant elders.
The park on Appin Road is currently under construction by the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure as part of the NSW Government’s Parks for People Program. Following the completion of the park’s construction, the site will be transferred to Council’s ownership.
Consultation has taken place with a…
Wollondilly Shire Council is inviting feedback about the draft Contributions Plan for the Appin Growth Area.
The draft Appin Growth Area Contributions Plan proposes to levy $1.96 billion worth of local public service and amenities infrastructure and plan management to service the Appin Growth Area.
View Documents
Online at Your Say Wollondilly
Council’s Customer Service Centre at 62-64 Menangle Street, Picton
Wollondilly Library in Picton at 42 Menangle Street
Provide Feedback
Online via Y…
Beginning this holiday period, Wollondilly Council will host a series of eight free community events to be held across the Shire over the next 12 months.
The Summerfest program has been made possible thanks to funding from the NSW Government Resources for Regions program, which has provided funding opportunities to mining communities throughout the state.
Each of the eight family friendly events will feature amusement rides, an outdoor movie screening, food stalls, free face painting, ice crea…
A high-octane ALL-AGES FREE EVENT with live music, street bands, dancing, great food and loads of fantastic arts activities. The legendary ROGUE TRADERS with Natalie Bassingthwaighte head the line-up, with plenty of high energy action from African street performers, Taiko drumming and a sizzling Samba show.
Explore a world of creativity with pop-up performances, percuss…
The draft Planning Agreement is a proposed voluntary legal agreement between Walker Corporation Pty Ltd and Wollondilly Shire Council that identifies monetary contributions and physical works that will be undertaken if development on the Macquariedale Road site proceeds. It has been prepared to complement the Planning Proposal.
Community feedback was sought on a draft Planning Agreement in September 2014. The draft Planning Agreement has been revised in response to the previous consultation.
Wollondilly Mayor Robert Khan has welcomed the announcement of funding for projects at Remembrance Driveway, Tahmoor and Appin Road, Appin through the Australian and NSW Government Safer Roads Program.
Mayor Khan said, “Council is delighted to receive this funding which will increase the safety of drivers and pedestrians in the Wollondilly Shire.”
“Council had applied for the funding at Remembrance Driveway, Tahmoor with the aim of improving pedestrian safety on this increasingly busy stretch…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 1 DP: 629719, 224 Appin Road APPIN
For the purposes of
Mushroom farm and ancillary structures including a farm building, coolroom and staff room
Mr A Machkevitch
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. Approval for the proposed development i…
Council has been notified of the State Heritage Item under consideration by the State Heritage Register.
This item is known as “Appin Massacre Cultural Landscape”.
Please see the attached link for further information and to make a submission.
Make a submission here.
The Appin Massacre Cultural Landscape is likely to be of State heritage significance for its historic, associative, aesthetic, social, research, rarity, and representative values.
This landscape consists of five key locations:…
Proposed Licence Agreement – Part Lot 1 DP 245866 – 40 Sportsground Parade, Appin – AIS Sportsground - Notice Under Section 47 Local Government Act
Council is proposing to enter into a new Licence Agreement with “The Appin Men’s Shed Incorporation” for the use of Council owned land and the occupation of the Men’s Shed building for a term of ten (10) years.
The Council owned land subject to this proposal is known as Part Lot 1 in DP 245866 at 40 Sportsground Parade, Appin.
The licence is prop…
The massive infrastructure costs of new greenfield housing on the outer fringes of Greater Sydney has been laid bare, with the required infrastructure contributions for water and sewer highlighting Appin housing may just be a pipe dream.
The new contribution scheme would most greatly impact the State-led fast tracking of the Greater Macarthur Growth Area, and the cost would ultimately be passed on to homebuyers.
Mayor Matt Gould said, “The reality is that providing infrastructure in new greenf…
Review finds no risk to community safety from Sportsground Parade Appin works
Council supports name for new park at Appin