Guiding the Local Plan Making ProcessThe Planning Proposal Policy has been reviewed to respond to changes to the plan-making process, and we are seeking your feedback.
Planning Proposals are submitted to amend local environmental plans - to support changes in land use such as rezoning land, enabling subdivision and altering permissible land uses.
Recent changes to the local plan-making process by Council and the NSW Government mean we need to review our Planning Proposal Policy. This will ensu…
We are inviting feedback on our Draft Code of Meeting Practice.
Council recently resolved (Resolution 72/2023) to amend our adopted Code of Meeting Practice (Meeting Code). Specifically, the amendment adds an additional provision to Clause 10.26 in line with a Notice of Motion 17.2 submitted to the March Ordinary Meeting of Council which is if at least two (2) Councillors have spoken in favour of the motion or amendment and there are no speakers against it, or no further speakers against it. V…
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Proposed Names: SARINA STREETDescription: A new road coming off Warradale Road, Silverdale NSW, in a northerly direction.
Name OriginRonald Grafton SARINA was born in Manly NSW 1913 and was the son of Walter and Lillian Sarina. He resided in Silverdale from the early 1960’s until he…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 3 Sec: C DP: 1569, 27 Oaks Street THIRLMERE
For the purposes of
Alterations and additions to shop-top housing and retail 7, alterations and additions to cottage and retail 1 to facilitate use as a 53 place centre-based child care facility and reconfiguration and extension to basement carparking.
Tesserarch Pty Ltd
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
Wollondilly Shire Council’s 23/24 Operational Plan and Budget will place a massive ongoing investment into roads, with major repairs and improvements planned for the Shire’s 890km road network.
With road repairs at its core, the draft Operational Plan and Budget has been published following feedback from the community and will be considered in a report to Tuesday night’s Council meeting.
A proposed budget of over $30 million for roads in 2023/24 will build on the huge investment in last year’s…
We would like to hear your comments on Wilton Industrial Park Planning Proposal, which has been lodged with Council. The land affected includes the following 9 lots:
10 Berwick Park Road WILTON NSW 2571
20 Berwick Park Road WILTON NSW 2571
30 Berwick Park Road WILTON NSW 2571
25 Wilton Park Road WILTON NSW 2571
45 Wilton Park Road WILTON NSW 2571
55 Wilton Park Road WILTON NSW 2571
75 Wilton Park Road WILTON NSW 2571
85 Wilton Park Road WILTON NSW 2571
95 Wilton Park Road WILTON NSW 2571
The in…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 70 DP: 1279596, 60 Menangle Street PICTON
For the purposes of
Demolition of existing buildings & the construction of a public administration building, public library plus public plaza as part of the Wollondilly Community, Cultural and Civic Precinct
SMEC Australia Pty Limited
Application Number
Consent Authority
Sydney Western City Planning Panel
The application is Integrated…
We would like to hear your comments on the Moreton Park Road Planning Proposal, also known as the Southern Gateway Business Park, which has been lodged with Council. The land affected includes the following lots:
Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 9 DP 248225, 610 Moreton Park Road, MENANGLE NSW 2568
Lot 8 and Lot 10 DP 248225, 565 Moreton Park Road, MENANGLE NSW 2568
Lot 104, Lot 105 and Lot 106 DP 249189, 610 Moreton Park Road, MENANGLE NSW 2568
Lot 1 DP 550689, 610 Moreton Park Road, MENANGLE NSW 2568
Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:Proposed Name Sundorne Lane
DescriptionOne new road at 40 Bronzewing Street TAHMOOR NSW, Lot 5 DP 10849, DA/2014//1 – 23 Lot Subdivision
Proposed Road Name
Name Origin
Sundorne House was build for Mr George Cummins as a second house on the property. The main house was called Hiawather. After the Cummins, Mr and Mrs Struan Robertson…
Council uses social media channels to provide timely, accurate information to the community about Wollondilly Shire Council services, facilities and policies.
Our draft Social Media Policy outlines how Council staff and elected Council officials manage their social media pages and presence, and provides protection and manage risks.
This previous policy was adopted in June 2020 and has now been revised to reflect the current social media landscape.
View the Draft Social Media Policy
Online on…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 64 DP: 280093, Gibney Street WILTON
For the purposes of
Deliver a new local park known as Fairways North Park, inclusive of landscape embellishment works.
Bingara Development Pty Ltd
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Local Planning Panel
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. Approval for…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 1 DP: 227093, 2-4 Lumsdaine Street PICTON
For the purposes of
Change of usage from place of worship to funeral home with advertising signage. No mortuary facilities or body holding at all.
Dwyer Family Funerals
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The Development Application is required to be advertised in accordance with Council’s Community Participation…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 4 DP: 589932, 33 Fitzroy Street WILTON
For the purposes of
Demolition of existing structures, tree removal and construction of a single storey 90-place centre-based child care facility with basement carpark
Janssen Group Pty Ltd
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The Development Application is required to be advertised in accordance with Council’s Comm…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Pt: 39 DP: 8982, 94 York Street TAHMOOR
For the purposes of
Demolition of existing buildings and tree removal; construction of a mixed-use building (shop-top housing) with carparking and strata subdivision
Devine Drafting & Design Pty Ltd
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The Development Application is required to be advertised in accordance with Counc…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 11 DP: 1230290, 36 John Street THE OAKS
For the purposes of
Alterations & additions to existing hotel, including extended gaming area, bottle shop & associated car parking plus landscape works
Luchetti Krelle Pty Ltd
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The Development Application is required to be advertised in accordance with Council’s Communit…
Review finds no risk to community safety from Sportsground Parade Appin works
Council supports name for new park at Appin