Now on Public Exhibition
To communicate Council’s commitment to an enabled and skilled workforce that meets legislated and regulatory obligations, Council has drafted the Training Policy.
This policy provides for a centralised corporate and mandatory training register which will identify the required qualifications, accreditations and licences required for each position at Council.
The Training policy will ensure a culture of commitment to ongoing training, risk mitigation and maintaining a sa…
We are inviting feedback on a Draft Planning Proposal to amend Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 (WLEP 2011). WLEP 2011 guides planning decisions for the Wollondilly Local Government Area. It does this through zoning and planning controls, which provide a framework for how land can be used.
The Draft Planning Proposal mentioned above seeks to amend WLEP 2011 to implement planning provisions which recognise the importance of the Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institu…
Now on Public Exhibition
Council is seeking feedback on its Integrated Water Management Policy, originally adopted in December 2020. A review of the current Policy has identified the need for minor changes to the policy and revised stormwater volume reduction targets for commercial and industrial type developments to make it more feasible for these types of developments to meet water quality objectives.
The supporting documentation; the Integrated Water Management Strategy and Water Sensitive U…
Now on Public Exhibition
Council is inviting feedback on our draft revised Contributions to Kerb, Gutter and Footpath Policy.
The Policy establishes Council’s position regarding seeking contributions from property owners toward the construction of kerb, gutter and footpaths along their property frontage. These contributions fund a proportion of the total cost of the works, with the remainder being funded through rates and other sources.
Summary of key changes
The key changes to the draft Polic…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 158 DP: 8982, Lot: 159 DP: 8982,
74 Castlereagh Street TAHMOOR
76 Castlereagh Street TAHMOOR
For the purposes of
Demolition of existing structures and construction of 9x2 storey multi dwelling houses, tree removal, stormwater drainage works, strata subdivision and other associated works
Mr J Rafla
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The Development App…
Now on Public Exhibition
We are inviting your feedback on our draft Strategy addressing sport and recreation needs in the Wollondilly community.
Wollondilly’s population is growing rapidly and this creates both opportunities and challenges in managing the sport and recreation needs of our community. To address this, Council has developed a draft Community Sport and Recreation Needs Strategy.
The Strategy provides a framework, establishing best practice benchmarks and an action plan to meet the…
Tickets are now on sale for the first release shows at the brand-new Wollondilly Performing Arts Centre. The website went live today, featuring information about the gleaming new cultural hub and giving audiences their first opportunity to access online ticket sales for a range of exciting performances in the new venue.
Patrons can go to the new website at to see what is coming up at the Performing Arts Centre, buy tickets or grab a membership package for discounted ti…
Now on Public Exhibition
Community engagement describes how we work together with the community to shape the decisions Council makes about projects, plans, policies and programs. It helps us to understand varied perspectives, meaning that Council is better positioned to enhance projects and make decisions that are influenced by community aspirations, needs, knowledge, and lived experience.
Council’s Community Engagement Strategy (CES) outlines our approach and key focus areas related to engagin…
Now on Public Exhibition
Wollondilly Shire Council has developed a draft Sustainability Strategy and draft Net Zero Strategy to provide a long-term strategic vision for sustainability in Council’s services, operations and management practices.
We'd like your feedback on these documents which guide our strategic direction for a sustainable future and our pathway towards a net zero status by 2050.
These strategies build on our Sustainability Policy, which was adopted by Council in 2023 foll…
Now on Public Exhibition
Wollondilly Shire Council is committed to providing a positive customer experience through all touchpoints of our programs and services.
Our draft Customer Experience Policy outlines our commitment to delivering a professional, engaging and consistent service that meets customer expectations and aligns with Council’s values and goals. We are now inviting feedback on our draft Customer Experience Policy.
The new Policy will replace the existing Customer Service Charter…
Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 Housekeeping Amendment to correct Original Holdings Maps applying to certain land at Razorback and Menangle
The Planning Proposal seeks to amend Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan (WLEP) 2011, which is principal legislation that controls development and planning decisions for the Wollondilly Local Government Area. The proposal is being placed on public exhibition for community consultation as required under section 57 of the Env…
Council has received a draft planning proposal for land at No’s 730, 740 and 760 Montpelier Drive, The Oaks being Lot 2 DP 820370, Lot 1 DP 653294 and Lot 590 DP 1132419. The draft planning proposal is being notified to the community for comment from Wednesday 16 December 2015 until Friday 5 February 2016 (extra time allowed for Xmas-New Year period).
This Draft Planning Proposal is to amend Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan (WLEP) 2011, which is principal legislation that controls develop…
Recreation is how we relax, reward and inspire ourselves. Careful choices about travel, luxury holidays
and recreational toys can ensure we play sustainably too. With a bit of extra thought,
we can make sure our recreational choices don't cost the earth!
Eco Aid and Travel
Travel and work with local communities to protect endangered species, enhance the local environment and support the social and economic wellbeing of the communities we visit.
Immerse Yourself in Nature
Go hiking, b…
Return and Earn is a great initiative implemented by the NSW Government in December 2017. The scheme offers a 10c refund for consumers depositing eligible drink containers at return points throughout NSW.
What Containers are Eligible?
Not Eligible
Cans (e.g. soft drinks)
Any milk containers that are 1 litre or more
Bottles (e.g. beer bottles)
Glass wine bottles
Cartons (e.g. milk cartons)
Glass spirit bottles
Juice boxes or poppers
Juice bottles over 1 litre
Cordial bottle…
A range of free activities will be available for Wollondilly’s young people this coming school holidays as part of Youth Week celebrations.
Targeted at young people aged 12-24 years, Youth Week is usually celebrated around Australia in April each year.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, this year Youth Week was postponed, but the Wollondilly Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) are pleased to announce that they have a number of activities happening in the September/October school holidays.
The theme for…
Review finds no risk to community safety from Sportsground Parade Appin works
Council supports name for new park at Appin