Wollondilly Shire Council has endorsed an updated draft Contributions Plan for public exhibition, setting Council’s policy position on the types of local infrastructure required and the delivery priorities for the towns and villages outside of the Wilton and Appin Growth Areas.
Replacing the Wollondilly Contributions Plan 2020, the updated Plan aims to provide adequate funding for much needed local infrastructure all over the Shire, and will give Council, developers and the community confide…
Following concerns raised by the Mayor, Councillors and residents, Council's CEO requested a thorough review of the activities being undertaken on community land at Sportsground Parade Appin for the installation of a sewer line to service a new development; including the process followed to grant the licence and any potential risk to community safety.
The review has now been completed, and has identified that there was no risk to community safety from the works and that due process was…
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 135 Byron Road TAHMOOR NSW, Lot 2 DP 1032620, DD010.2014.00000319.001Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Proposed Names: Alma Den Way
Description: A new road within coming off Bronzewing Street & adjoins Lone Lea Street & Byron Road.
Name Origin: (See detailed history below).
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1
Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Proposed Names
6 new road names at 35 Stirling Drive WILTON NSW - Lot 49 DP 270536 - DA/2018/706/2 – Stage 10A & 10B
Proposed Street Name
English Transla…
Public Exhibition - Alcohol Free ZonesAlcohol Free Zones (AFZ) are implemented in an effort to improve public safety by minimising antisocial behaviour caused by alcohol consumption in public areas. Public areas such as public roads, footpaths or public car parks may be included.
Council is inviting feedback on a proposal to maintain the existing Alcohol Free Zones across Wollondilly Shire for a further four years until 2025.
Alcohol Free Zones are currently located in the following towns/vill…
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of
Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Description 38-40 Lumsdaine Street, PICTON NSW – Lot 65 Section 2 DP 2893
1 New road– DD010.2008.768.001
© Wollondilly Shire Council. © Department of Customer Service
Proposed Road Name/s
Road Name
History/Name Origin
Dr Gordon Marcus BRODIE…
Like to know what Council is planning for the next 12 months? Take a look at our draft Operational Plan 2023/24, and share your feedback.
Key FocusesThe draft Operational Plan - including the Budget, Capital Works Program, Revenue Policy, and Fees and Charges - confirms the services, priority actions, and projects that Council will undertake in the coming financial year.
Roads - The draft 2023/24 Operational Plan and budget proposes a substantial and ongoing investment in roads of $30.4M, comp…
The Thirlmere Festival of Steam Street Parade Terms and Conditions
The following Terms and Conditions have been developed by Wollondilly Shire Council to ensure that all Thirlmere Festival of Steam Street Parade participants, and the general public in attendance, remain safe at all times. The Terms and Conditions should be read carefully by the applicant. By signing the Expression of Interest form, you are agreeing to comply with “The Thirlmere Festival of Steam Street Parade” Terms and Conditio…
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Description 15 New roads within Lot 101 DP 1293737, 195A Fairway Drive WILTON NSW. DA/2023/707/1
Road Name
History - Old Early Settlement farming
Clifton Crescent
Along the Menangle Road between the bridge at Menangle and Picton Road, ten grants had been issued in the 1820’s.…
Here is a media release from the NSW Government
Wollondilly residents will benefit from a state-of-the-art performing arts centre, a range of new community hubs, better local traffic connections and sports facilities as part of the $5 billion WestInvest Fund.
Premier Dominic Perrottet, Treasurer Matt Kean, Minister for Western Sydney David Elliott and Minister for Local Government Wendy Tuckerman today announced more than $21 million in WestInvest funding to Wollondilly Shire Council for nine…
Over the past few years community members have contributed to Council's two-part Shire-Wide Heritage Study. The aim of the studies was to update existing heritage items already listed in the Wollondilly Local Environment Plan 2011 (WLEP) and identify potential new heritage items and heritage conservation areas for listing. We want to ensure that what is historically important within our Shire is conserved for the enjoyment of future generations.
We are now proceeding with a Planning Propos…
Council is committed to the holistic management of street trees in a rural and residential setting.
Council recognises that trees are an essential, living infrastructure asset and resource that provides a wide range of social, environmental and economic benefits.
Street trees will be pruned to:
Improve line of sight for vehicular movements
Remove any dead, dying or dangerous branches (or trees if deemed necessary)
Allow clearance for pedestrians and vehicles
Allow clearance to buildings (wher…
Proposed Naming of Roads - TahmoorRoads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1
Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Proposed Name
Burton Drive
A new road within Lot 4 & 5 DP 263172 - Coming off proposed road extension of Cross Street Tahmoor in s southerly direction
Name Origin
(See detailed history below).
Proposed Name
Bly Street
A new r…
What is an Alcohol-Free Zone?An alcohol- free zone is an area where it is illegal to consume alcohol 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Any person seen drinking in an alcohol- free zone may have the alcohol in their possession immediately seized and tipped out or otherwise disposed of by Police. Once established each alcohol- free zone is in place for a maximum of four years.
Wollondilly Shire Council uses alcohol- free zones in some areas to prevent street drinking and improve public safety. The…
Wollondilly Council will apply for funding for a range of halls, community assets and sporting facilities to benefit the whole Shire through the NSW Government’s $5 billion WestInvest program.
At Tuesday night’s meeting, Council endorsed a list of proposed competitive and non-competitive infrastructure projects across the Shire that will improve the lifestyles of residents in local communities and support economic recovery.
Under the program, Council has been allocated a guaranteed $22 million…
Review finds no risk to community safety from Sportsground Parade Appin works
Council supports name for new park at Appin