Biodiversity certification provides a process to assess biodiversity early in the planning process (at the strategic planning stage) for areas being considered for development. The process identifies areas of high conservation value which are to be avoided and protected while identifying areas suitable for development.
The process identifies areas that can be developed after they are certified and measures to offset the impacts of development. Biocertification can speed up the planning process by considering biodiversity at the strategic planning stage at a landscape scale. Where land is certified, development may proceed without the usual requirement for site by site assessment through a threatened species assessment at the development application stage.
An application has been made under section 126N of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 to confer biodiversity certification on land at Macquariedale Road, Appin to protect areas of high conservation value and to offset areas suitable for development.
Signed Biodiversity Certification Application Form Proponent Council Macquariedale Road Appin