All Wollondilly business owners and their employees are invited to enjoy a free breakfast, find out more about health and wellbeing, and celebrate their contribution to the region’s economy for R U OK? Day this year.
The Dilly Business Brekkie will be hosted by Wollondilly Shire Council, Picton Chamber of Commerce, The Office of Judy Hannan MP and The Rapid Relief Team.
It will run from 6am to 10am on Thursday 14 September at Victoria Park, Menangle Street, Picton and is an opportunity for loc…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 101 DP: 1293737, 195A Fairway Drive WILTON
For the purposes of
Torrens title subdivision comprising 105 residential lots and associated earthworks, utilities and infrastructure works, stormwater drainage works, and street tree planting
Application Number
Consent Authority
Sydney Western City Planning Panel
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the…
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Proposed Names:
Calf Farm Circuit
Cape Cattle Lane
Halfpenny Drive
Milk Lane
Butter lane
Fettlers Lane
Description Stage 4 - New roads coming off Station Street, Menangle NSW DA/2022/259/1
Road Type
Name Origin
Calf Farm
This land was known and called Calf…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 101 DP: 1232553, 15 Janderra Lane WILTON
For the purposes of
Torrens title subdivision to create 362 residential lots, 6 superlots, 2 drainage reserve lots, 1 open space lot, 3 landscaped area lots, earthworks including allotment grading and associated inter-allotment retaining walls, street tree planting, embellishment of a local park, associated civil and stormwater works, delivery of essential services and d…
Council resolved on 12 December 2023 to acquire Lot 1 DP743235, 9-11 Menangle Street West, Picton and to classify the land as Operational upon acquisition.
Under s34 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council gives notice of the proposed land classification. Any submissions regarding the proposed classification need to be made before 5:00pm on 1 February 2024.
Submissions can be made by email using reference CM4289.
Description: This Tender is for the design and construction of the new extension and internal refurbishment of The Oaks RFS building at 33 McIntosh Street, The Oaks. This includes the final design, demolition, refurbishment of the existing internal areas and the construction of the new extension.
Obtaining Documentation: Documents may be obtained electronically via the website.
Requests for Information: Please contact the Purchasing Officer on (02) 4677 1100 or purchase@wollondi…
Submissions for community events in the Wollondilly Shire are now OPEN!
Thank you for your interest in hosting events that contribute to the community spirit of Wollondilly Shire. We look forward to seeing how your events bring our community together.
Please complete the event submission form with the following details: Indicate the date(s) and times of your event, and specify the precise location, including the full address. For example, "Wollondilly Shire Hall, 52 Menangle Street, Picto…
Wollondilly Shire Council has adopted the Thirlmere Memorial Park and Thirlmere Sportsground Master Plan with a number of amendments in response to feedback provided during the recent community consultation period.
Council made the decision to leave the tennis courts in their current location rather than move them, in response to feedback from the tennis club and the broader community. The decision to retain the tennis courts in their current location also allows for the fast tracking of upgrad…
Council is inviting feedback on a Planning Proposal which aims to encourage horticulture in the rural zones across the Shire.
If approved, this would amend Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 (WLEP 2011).
The Wollondilly Rural Lands Strategy 2040 identifies the widespread distribution and important role that horticulture plays in Wollondilly, as well as its contribution to agricultural production in Greater Sydney. The Strategy also identifies the need to review the planning framework, i…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 23 DP: 280028, 30 Pembroke Parade WILTON
For the purposes of
Commercial premises comprising rooftop car park, supermarket, three specialty retail shops, bottle shop, pedestrian crossing, footpath and road works, outdoor dining, vehicle crossovers to Greenbridge Drive and White Street, signage, earthworks, vegetation removal and landscaping
Coles Group Property Developments Ltd
Application Number
Gutters and drains take rainwater from our streets straight into creeks and rivers. So when it rains, stormwater runoff can carry with it pollution from around our homes and streets into the waterways we swim in and where animals and plants live.
What You Can Do
Put your cigarette butts and other litter in the bin.
Pitch in and help clean up littered areas.
If there is no bin handy, hold onto your litter until you find one.
Try to wash your vehicle on a grassy area or over gravel.
Sweep your…
Stay fit, focused and firm and help save the world. Explore bike paths, cycle groups and ride any blues away.
Bicycles are simply the most efficient form of transport. They produce no waste and improve our health and wellbeing. If we all used a bike to get to work and visit friends and family or went on cycling holidays instead of road trips, it would have an immediate and profound effect on our fossil fuel use and contribution to climate change. Finally, as if all this is not compelling enough…
Thirlmere cemetery is located on the corner of Station & Leonard Streets. Some sections offer a choice of lawn beam or monumental graves. Memorial Tree garden allotments and Niches in the Columbarium Wall are available for interment of ashes.
Burial Plot Immediate Use
Burial Plot Reservation
Memorial Tree Garden Plot
Memorial Wall
Niche Wall
Everything we do in and around our homes, backyards, parks, schools, workplaces and public spaces affects the quality of water that runs off our streets, goes into the stormwater drains and ends up in our local waterways. Your nearest waterway could be a stream, creek, river, bay, beach, harbour or even the ocean!
Love Your Waterways is a community campaign that encourages people to take up five simple actions to prevent litter, pet waste, gardening materials, chemicals and other pollutants fro…
Review finds no risk to community safety from Sportsground Parade Appin works
Council supports name for new park at Appin