Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Proposed Name: Samuel Crescent
Description: A new road coming off Rumker Street North Picton.
Name Origin: Samuel and Mary Williams moved to Thirlmere with their children Irene, Doris and Maurice in 1910. Doris later married Alfred Morris. The Williams and Morr…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 1 DP: 306368, 4 Station Street Menangle
For the purposes of
Demolition of existing School of Arts building (Heritage item) & community hall & proposed development of new community hall
Menangle Community Association
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and A…
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Proposed Names:
Leigham Holme Way
A new road coming off Myrtle Creek Avenue and Cross Street Tahmoor. Subdivision - DD010.2017.710.001 – 110 Myrtle Creek Avenue, Tahmoor.
Name Origin:
Leigham Holme: George Bradbury purchased Myrtle house now known as Tahmoor House in 1879. …
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 58 Sec: 2 DP: 2893, 22 Lumsdaine Street PICTON
For the purposes of
Single storey 51 place child-care centre, basement car parking and associated works
Mrs L M Capolino
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The Development Application is required to be advertised in accordance with Council’s Community Participation Plan and also Schedule 1 of the Environmen…
Request for Tender 2021/34This Tender is for the Design and Construction of a New Masons Lodge building at 436 Argyle Street, Picton.
Wollondilly Council (the Principal) is seeking Tenders from suitable qualified and experienced Design and Construct Contractors for the procurement of the works and services below.
Scope of Work
The Contract scope of works is detailed on the drawings and specifications and schedules and is listed below but not limited to:
• Complete all design elements required fo…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 2 DP: 548240, 85 Bridge Street Picton
For the purposes of
Clearing of existing vegetation and erection of rural industrial building for the purposes of a rural industry (sawmill/log processing facility)
Precise Planning
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Asse…
Now on Public ExhibitionThe draft Warragamba Open Space Master Plan is now on Public Exhibition and we are inviting feedback until 4 February 2022.
This 20-year Master Plan provides direction and guidance for developing the open space and facilities used for sport, recreation and relaxing in Warragamba. It includes an outline of the short term, medium term and long term goals, and will enable Council – as well as sporting and community groups – to pursue external funding for upgrades and enhanc…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 101 DP: 1068508, 9 Margaret Street PICTON
For the purposes of
Two way travelator between basement carpark and main shopping level Picton mall
Ms B Minto
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The Development Application is required to be advertised in accordance with Council’s Community Participation Plan and also Schedule 1 of the Environmental Plannin…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 103 DP: 1265625, 89-91 Argyle Street PICTON
For the purposes of
Continued use of deck, pergola and modified shipping container to be used in conjunction with rear outdoor paved area for outdoor seating in association with existing food business.
Nanoona Pty Ltd
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4…
Now on ExhibitionThe Assisted Communications Policy provides clear guidance for how staff at Wollondilly Council can address unreasonable conduct by a complainant, including the ways in which an unreasonable complainant may communicate with Council.
The aim is to allow dialogue to continue in a productive way and work towards rebuilding the relationship, while protecting the health and safety of staff and complainants.
Council is reviewing its current policy in response to the NSW Ombudsman h…
We are excited to have achieved a significant milestone in submitting a Development Application for the proposed Wollondilly Performing Arts Centre (WPAC) on the corner of Colden Street and Menangle Street in Picton.
The Performing Arts Centre is the centrepiece of the Wollondilly Cultural Precinct project, providing a landmark venue and entertainment programming currently unavailable in the Shire.
The aim of the centre is to provide Wollondilly residents and visitors with a versatile, multi-p…
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Description45-65 Greenacre Drive TAHMOOR NSW – Lot 1 DP 1274265
2 new roads and 1 road extension– DD010.2018.372.001
© Wollondilly Shire Council. © Department of Customer Service
Proposed Road Name/s
Road Name
History/Name Origin
NOW ON EXHIBITION Feedback is invited on a Draft Planning Proposal which has been submitted to Council for consideration.
The Draft Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Wollondilly Local Environment Plan 2011 to provide additional industrial land in Picton and to enable the expansion of an existing business.
LOCATION OF PROPOSAL The Draft Planning Proposal affects the following land:
120 Bridge Street, Picton (Lot 10 in DP 1012641)
140 Bridge Street, Picton (Lot 11 in DP1012641)
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 1 DP: 530821, 403 Argyle Street PICTON
For the purposes of
Construction of new vehicle repair station and conversion of existing to convenience store
Mr D Torbey
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
The application is Integrated Development under Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. Approval for the proposed development is…
Stormwater Issues on private property are a common issue throughout NSW. Stormwater is rainwater that runs off surfaces such as lawns, roads, roofs, carparks and natural ground surfaces.
Stormwater that is unable to enter the underground drainage system will find is natural way to the nearest watercourse via overland flow paths. The overland flow paths are typically natural depressions (that often occur through private property), open channels, roadways and public reserves.
Property Owner’s Re…
Review finds no risk to community safety from Sportsground Parade Appin works
Council supports name for new park at Appin