Wollondilly Council is seeking road name suggestions from residents, community groups and schools for the many new roads which are appearing around the Shire.
Council’s street name register allows land owners and developers to select a street or road name allocated to a specific township that has been approved by the Geographical Names Board.
Council is asking for suggestions based on the themes of local Aboriginal heritage, early explorers, pioneers, settlers and historical figures and natura…
Did you know? Australians buy 350 million household batteries each year, but only 4% of these are returned to a collection centre for recycling.
It is important to recycle batteries so that toxic chemicals don't end up damaging our environment and raw materials can be used again. Recycling batteries also helps prevent fires and explosions in our waste collection vehicles.
Wollondilly residents have access to a number of free battery recycling collection centres which accept any brand of A…
Council is currently reviewing the site specific controls within Wollondilly Development Control Plan 2016 for the Tahmoor West precinct. The proposed revisions relate to Volume 3 Subdivision of Land, Part 3.4 – Controls for Specific Locations (Tahmoor West).
These amendments propose an updated structure plan and revised wording to ensure consistency with the current Planning Proposal known as the West Tahmoor Minimum Lot Size Amendment No. 2 and to reflect development that has already oc…
Wollondilly Shire Council authorised the public notification of a Draft Planning Agreement (VPA) for the land known as Station Street Menangle at its 15 December 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting. Note as part of the notification process that Council does not implicitly or explicitly support the VPA.
The Draft Planning Agreement has been prepared under Section 7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The Draft Planning Agreement provides for the following:
construction and dedica…
Developments within the shire have potential to impact people’s health and wellbeing – positively or negatively. To address this, Wollondilly Council has been piloting a process of Social & Health Impact Assessment (SHIA), which aims to identify, anticipate, understand and manage the social and health outcomes of a new development proposal, policy or plan.
This means applicants need to identify how their development or proposal might affect health and wellbeing within a community and pro…
Community feedback is invited on a Draft Planning Proposal to rezone land at 24 Wallaroo Road, Buxton (Lots 18-26, Section 6, DP 2444). The draft proposal seeks to rezone land from its current large lot residential land use zone to enable dwellings on each of the 9 lots.
Objectives of Planning Proposal
The Draft Planning Proposal seeks to amend Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011, the principal legislation that controls development and planning decisions within the Wollondilly Local G…
An application has been received seeking consent for the following:
Lot: 100 DP: 1184637, 42 Menangle Street PICTON
For the purposes of
S4.55(1) Modification to WLPP approval proposing the deletion of conditions 4 & 23
Mr A Poore
Application Number
Consent Authority
Wollondilly Shire Council
An application has been received by Wollondilly Shire Council under Section 4.55 (1) under Division 4.9 Post-consent provisions in Part 4 of the Environm…
Tender No. 2021/03
Council is inviting tenders for the construction of a Gross Pollutant Trap in Argyle Street Picton.
The scope involves, but is not limited to, the installation of a proprietary GPT adjacent to the north eastern bridge abutment at the corner of the public car park and Argyle Street. Currently the existing pipe is a 1050mm but the unit has allowed for a 1200mm pipe for current and future upgrades.
A buried junction pit is under the corner of the car park for the conne…
Council is currently updating Wollondilly’s heritage information. We are working on a Planning Proposal to correct errors on the legal heritage list and would like your feedback.
The corrections are mostly minor in nature and affect 191 properties across the LGA.
The consultation documents explain the changes that are proposed to correct the heritage listing information and/or maps that form part of Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011.
Public Exhibition – Where to view documentsThe Planni…
Council’s Draft Combined 2021/22 Financial Budget and Draft Operational Plan is now on public exhibition until Wednesday 26 May at 11.59pm.
The Operational Plan 2021/22 is a detailed plan which provides information on Council’s key services, projects, programs and budget for the next financial year. It also includes a full list of all scheduled capital works and all proposed fees and charges. This plan outlines how Council will continue to deliver our important ongoing services for the Wollo…
Council is currently reviewing the planning controls in the Wollondilly Development Control Plan that guide the development of residential flat buildings.
The review includes proposed amendments to the following sections in the development control plan:
Part 3.19 – ‘Residential Flat Buildings’ under Volume 4 – ‘Residential Developments’; and
Part 4.8 – ‘R3 zoned land at Thirlmere’ under Volume 4 – ‘Residential Developments’.
The proposed amendments seek to achieve better urban design, landscap…
Now on ExhibitionBeing leaders in the community and providers of services to children, Councils have a responsibility to ensure they are child safe institutions. Wollondilly Council takes the welfare and rights of children very seriously, and is currently exhibiting its Draft Child Protection Policy. The objective of the policy is to ensure that Council provides a safe environment for children and young people whilst on Council premises and utilising Council services.
View the Draft Child Prote…
Preliminary ConsultationCouncil has received a Draft Planning Proposal for a site on Maldon Bridge Road and Staff Road, Maldon, to rezone the site and amend the minimum lot size. The intention of the Proposal is to:
allow the expansion of heavy industrial employment land adjacent to the existing Boral Cement and Quarries terminal facilities
align zoning with the existing Boral Concrete plant on Maldon Bridge Road
establish an environmental conservation zone for the dense native vegetation areas…
Activate Wollondilly 2020: Long-Term Recovery and Resilience Plan is the blueprint for Council's shire-wide recovery activities following the Green Wattle Creek bushfire. The plan has been developed following an extensive period of community consultation including community forums facilitated by disaster recovery expert Anne Leadbeater, monthly Local Recovery and Resilience Committee meetings, surveys and our interactions with community members impacted by the Black Summer bushfires.
Have Your Say – Events & Visitor Economy Planning ProposalCouncil is committed to developing tourism in Wollondilly and growing the visitor economy by making it easier to celebrate, particularly for destination weddings, overnight stays, events and markets.
This planning proposal proposes a number of shire wide amendments to the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 to:
Give effect to the Western City District Plan,
Attract investment and grow local jobs,
Enhance opportunities for pe…
Review finds no risk to community safety from Sportsground Parade Appin works
Council supports name for new park at Appin