Wollondilly Council has endorsed the inclusion of a series of amendments to the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 to help promote agritourism in the Shire and build resilience in the farming sector.
At Tuesday night’s meeting, Council adopted a number of changes which were proposed as part of the NSW Government’s Agritourism and Small-Scale Agriculture Development program.
The changes will make it easier for farmers to use their land in new and innovative ways to complement their exi…
About Plans Stages Updates FAQ's Stage 3 About Plans Stages Updates FAQ's Stage 3 will deliver a new village green and community gathering spaces, further modifications to the Shire Hall, and additional parking, and will see the demolition of the existing Council Administration Building. New Village Green Civic Square This stage will give the community a new village green civic square plus outdoor community gathering spaces and a range of opportunities for shelt…
Read more about "Stage 3"...Wollondilly Council has been granted $13 million under the Western City Deal Liveability Fund which will go towards delivery of two major community infrastructure projects, the Wollondilly Community, Cultural and Civic Precinct redevelopment and upgrades to Tahmoor Sporting Complex.
Mayor Matthew Deeth said, “Thanks to the collaboration of Commonwealth, State and 8 local governments we can do more than we’ve ever done for our community. This grant will enable us to build great new infrastructur…
Local economic stimulus, construction jobs and more employment in Picton town centre for the broader Wollondilly community are on the agenda when Council considers a plan to accelerate the Wollondilly Community, Cultural and Civic Precinct project at its 19 May meeting.
The plan is part of Wollondilly’s strategy to kick-start the local economy through infrastructure investment and small business support, as well as to support residents in financial hardship due to the economic impacts of Covid-…
With great excitement, Wollondilly Council has announced the successful appointment of Williams Ross Architects for the design of the Wollondilly Community, Cultural and Civic Precinct.
Council is keen to maintain momentum on this priority project, which will help kick-start the local economy following the impacts of COVID-19. The appointment of the architect is a crucial step.
The construction of the Precinct will provide an economic stimulus, creating more jobs in the Shire and giving a boos…
Joint media releaseConstruction is officially underway on a new children’s services building, in a major milestone for the highly anticipated Wollondilly Cultural Precinct.
The Morrison Government and Perrottet Government have each committed $814,784 to the new fit-for-purpose children’s services building, with Wollondilly Shire Council contributing a further $1,268,470.
The project is funded under the Western Parkland City Liveability Program as part of the Western Sydney City Deal.
The West…
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Description990 Picton Road WILTON NSW
42 New roads within Stage 1 of 5 Stages- 697 Lot Subdivision (Lot 102 DP 1232553)
© Wollondilly Shire Council. © Department of Customer Service
BackgroundThe Wonson’s were one of the first early European landholders of…
A new Council brings a refreshed focus and vision for the Shire, and Wollondilly residents will soon have the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Resourcing Strategy, following Tuesday night’s Council meeting.
The Community Strategic Plan seeks to identify Wollondilly’s priorities for the future, and articulates where we want to be as a community within the next 10 years. It is the highest level plan for Wollondilly Shire Council, and is u…
Feedback is invited on a Draft Planning Proposal which has been submitted to Council for consideration.
The Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Wollondilly Local Environment Plan 2011 to enable urban expansion of the existing Menangle village. This is proposed to allow for 1,856 low and medium density houses in clusters in a rural settling; and provision for new retail, commercial, educational and open space facilities.
The Draft Planning Proposal a…
NOW ON EXHIBITION Feedback is invited on a Draft Planning Proposal which has been submitted to Council for consideration.
The Draft Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Wollondilly Local Environment Plan 2011 to provide additional industrial land in Picton and to enable the expansion of an existing business.
LOCATION OF PROPOSAL The Draft Planning Proposal affects the following land:
120 Bridge Street, Picton (Lot 10 in DP 1012641)
140 Bridge Street, Picton (Lot 11 in DP1012641)
Council’s draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Capital Works Program (2026-2027) will be considered at this month’s Council meeting, with towns right across the Shire soon to benefit from new facilities.
While roads are the immediate top priority for Wollondilly, the community has also expressed a desire for Council to invest in major infrastructure, including new community and sporting facilities.
Council is investing a total of $45.8M in capital works across the Shire for the next fi…
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
DescriptionPart renaming of Crakenthorp Lane Picton - renaming due to a future development on this section and street numbering requirements.
© Wollondilly Shire Council. © Department of Customer Service
Proposed Road Name/s
Road Name
History/Name Origin
In light of consecutive storm and flood events that have devastated the Shire in the past few years, Wollondilly Council has made a submission to the 2022 NSW Flood Inquiry, raising a number of concerns in relation to the support provided for local recovery.
Although the State Government has pledged emergency relief support, Council has identified problems with the process for accessing the funding and the time it takes for payments to be made.
The level of evidence required for a claim is ver…
Local jobs are a major priority of the plans for the state-led Wilton Growth Area, with Wollondilly Council commissioning a study into the commercial centres proposed for the area, to hear community feedback on what are the priorities.
The draft Wilton Growth Area Commercial Centres Study aims to identify the employment and economic development potential of the centres, establish their specific roles, and find out what is needed to support the future population.
Council is now seeking feedback…
Australia Day 2025
Robin Davies Wollondilly Community Nursery Open Day
Introduction to Native Plant Propagation
Council calls for Community Members to join Strategic Reference Groups to have their say on the future of Wollondilly
Wollondilly’s 2025 Australia Day Ambassador Announced
Wollondilly’s Australia Day Celebrations 2025