Feedback is invited on a Draft Planning Proposal which has been lodged by Michael Brown Planning Strategies Pty Ltd for Council’s assessment.
The Draft Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Wollondilly Local Environment Plan 2011 by rezoning the land to enable additional housing. If supported, the proposal would provide nine (9) lots with a minimum lot size of 4,000m2.
It seeks to do this by amending the land use z…
The Development Process
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Feedback is invited on a Draft Planning Proposal which has been lodged by Michael Brown Planning Strategies Pty Ltd for Council’s assessment.
The Draft Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Wollondilly Local Environment Plan 2011 by rezoning the land to enable additional housing. If supported, the proposal would provide nine (9) lots with a minimum lot size of 4,000m2.
It seeks to do this by amending the land use zone, the minimum lot size, and to introduce a maximum building…
Wollondilly Shire Council has been successful in receiving funding from the Australian Government’s $1.5 billion Housing Support Program.
Recently announced at the Australian Local Government Association conference, this funding will be used to implement Artificial Intelligence in development assessments.
Mayor Matt Gould has welcomed the $367,598 in funding from the Australian Government to go towards improved Development Assessment (DA) processing times and consistency of assessment.
The Wollondilly Performing Arts Centre (WPAC) has been officially opened.
The WPAC in Picton is a multi-format facility that includes a 350-seat venue for performances and large functions.
It will bring more visitors to Wollondilly and will be the jewel in the crown of the Wollondilly Cultural Precinct.
This project is funded by grants including the Western Parkland City Liveability Program, Create NSW, Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants, and Council developer contributions and building ren…
The Greater Macarthur Health and Wellbeing Strategy has been endorsed for public exhibition at Tuesday night’s Council meeting, with community members now able to have their say on the strategy.
The need for a social health and wellbeing strategy was identified in Council’s Operational Plan in response to the State Government’s rezoning of Greater Macarthur for urban development. This includes Appin in the Wollondilly Shire.
With more than 20,000 new dwellings planned for Appin, the resident p…
Wollondilly Shire Council has endorsed an updated draft Contributions Plan for public exhibition, setting Council’s policy position on the types of local infrastructure required and the delivery priorities for the towns and villages outside of the Wilton and Appin Growth Areas.
Replacing the Wollondilly Contributions Plan 2020, the updated Plan aims to provide adequate funding for much needed local infrastructure all over the Shire, and will give Council, developers and the community confide…
If your business performs any of the following procedures you must register with Council:
Body piercing
Hair removal (including waxing, electrolysis etc)
Cuticle cutting
Razor scrapping
Semi-permanent makeup
Or any beauty treatment that involves the deliberate removal of the skin
Council keeps a register of all these businesses and investigates any complaints relating to these premises.
The Local Government Act 1993 provides standards for hairdressers and…
What is Heritage?Heritage consists of those things we want to keep that give us a sense of the past and of our cultural identity. It is the things we want to protect and pass on to future generations so that they too will understand what came before them (NSW Heritage Office, 1999).
'Heritage significance' is a phrase used to describe an item's value to us in heritage terms. It is important to distinguish the item's heritage value from other values, such as amenity or utilit…
'Beyond the Edge: Australia's First National Peri-Urban Conference' - Presentations are now available online and can be accessed at Latrobe University.
DownloadsSydney Peri-Urban 2015 Action Plan
Sydney Peri-Urban Network - Issues Paper (PDF) (2.04MB)
Environment Panel Advisory Paper for the Greater Sydney Commission.pdf
Agri Reference Group NSW - Response to Draft Metropolitan Strategy NSW (PDF) (207.69KB)
Rural Land Use in Wollondilly (PDF) (510.19KB)
Yarra Ranges Biodive…
Wollondilly Shire Council provides opportunities to support the community to gain work experience for career development when possible.
We receive a large number of requests for work experience, so our work experience opportunities are aimed mainly at students currently studying.
Work experience opportunities are available in the following areas of Council:
Animal Holding Facility
Building Approvals
Business Administration
Child Care
Civil Construction
Customer Servic…
This is a notice in accordance with Clause 22 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. Council at its Ordinary meeting held on Monday 16 November 2015 resolved to support amendments to Wollondilly Development Control Plan (2011 or 2015). These amendments relate to the Clearview Planning Proposal for land at Lots 21, 36 & 37 DP 751287 and Lots 1 & 2 DP 1079669 and Lot 1 DP 1058734 (No’s 664,
740 & 760 Thirlmere Way and 25 Star Street, Picton). The Council also re…
Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011 Housekeeping Amendment to correct Original Holdings Maps applying to certain land at Razorback and Menangle
The Planning Proposal seeks to amend Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan (WLEP) 2011, which is principal legislation that controls development and planning decisions for the Wollondilly Local Government Area. The proposal is being placed on public exhibition for community consultation as required under section 57 of the Env…
The Wollondilly Koala Conservation Project focusses on ensuring the protection and conservation of koalas in our Shire.
Wollondilly Koala Hotline - Call 4677 1100 to report koala sightings in Wollondilly.
Report injured koalas and other wildlife to 24hr WIRES Injured Koala line 1300 094 737, Sydney Wildlife 9413 4300, Wildlife South Coast Rescue 0418 427 214
Wollondilly Shire Council’s ‘Koala Conservation Project’ advocates for the protection of the regions koalas and their habitat. The popu…
Australia Day 2025
Robin Davies Wollondilly Community Nursery Open Day
Introduction to Native Plant Propagation
Council calls for Community Members to join Strategic Reference Groups to have their say on the future of Wollondilly
Wollondilly’s 2025 Australia Day Ambassador Announced
Wollondilly’s Australia Day Celebrations 2025