Christmas lights competition 2024 entry form
Please ensure you have read the Competition Terms & Conditions prior to completing the online entry form.
With the first stage of the transformative Wollondilly Cultural Precinct coming to life, Council will further consider the preferred funding model for the next stage of the project, the Government Services Building, at the November Council Meeting.
The preferred model for the Government Services Building, Library and Village Green is expected to bring a substantial $732 million in economic benefits for the Picton town centre, the broader Wollondilly community and other service organisations.
Wollondilly Shire Council’s popular Beach Bus will hit the road again this summer, transporting Wollondilly residents to the beach and providing some relief from the heat.
The Beach Bus offers residents of all ages free travel to North Wollongong Beach from various stops across the Wollondilly Shire. The hop on service will operate on four Thursdays this summer: 4, 11, 18 and 25 January.
This is a low floor accessible bus, making the service accessible for all members of the community.
Wollondilly Shire Council is seeking expressions of interest from members of the public with appropriate legal or financial skills, experience in business, governance, accounting or management to serve as an independent member of Council’s ARIC. We are seeking to fill one position.
The ARIC provides Council with independent assurance and assistance in the areas of risk, control, improvement, governance and external accountability. Members chosen to serve on the Committee will demonstrate indep…
Work on the first phase of the Dudley Chesham Sportsground Masterplan will begin soon, with a tender awarded at Tuesday night’s Council meeting for construction of an exciting new grandstand and amenities building on the site.
The $5.2 million project will be funded by the Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program.
The Dudley Chesham Sportsground Masterplan was developed through community consultation and adopted by Council in April 2019.
Following an open tendering process, Wollondilly Sh…
Council resolved on 12 December 2023 to acquire Lot 1 DP743235, 9-11 Menangle Street West, Picton and to classify the land as Operational upon acquisition.
Under s34 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council gives notice of the proposed land classification. Any submissions regarding the proposed classification need to be made before 5:00pm on 1 February 2024.
Submissions can be made by email using reference CM4289.
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following 8 NEW road/s in Appin.
Proposed Names
Brennan Crescent
Fahey Crescent
Brenville Street
Liappiatt Crescent
Cornelius Street
Throsby Street
Crowe Street
Henning Street
Description: 8 New roads at 55 Macquariedale Rd APPIN and 5 road extensions Lot 3 DP 1267663 (DA/2021/249/1) & Lot 2 &am…
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1
Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Proposed Names: CHANNELL LANE
Description: Unnamed crown road between Campbell Street and Barbour Road THIRLMERE
Commemorative Naming – Bert Andrew CHANNELL – War Veteran WWII – (Picton Post NSW: 1907 - 1954, Thursday 24 May 1945, page 1), Mrs Phyllis Mari…
Australia Day is fast approaching and anticipation is building for Wollondilly’s Australia Day celebrations, which will be held at the Picton Botanic Gardens beginning at 8am.
The nominees for the Wollondilly Australia Day awards have been decided and are listed below. Residents are invited to come along to the event to see who the winners will be.
Award Category
Business/ Individual Name
Local Hero - Community Group
The Rotary Club of Picton
Sportsperson of the Year
Paul Ashman
Now on Public Exhibition
Council's capacity to listen to the community and handle customer complaints through the Complaint Handling Policy are key aspects of the overall customer experience, and represent good governance and responsible business practice.
As community expectations evolve, contemporary practice in handling complaints is attracting a greater focus.
Council's current Complaint Handling Protocol (Administrative Protocol Complaint Handling – AP0058) was due for review in…
Now on Public Exhibition
The Wollondilly community expects public officials to deliver services with integrity and in the best interests of the public.
Fraudulent and corrupt conduct by a public official undermines trust in the community; puts at risk the reputation of all staff, Councillors and delegates; and can result in significant resource costs to Council.
Accordingly, Council has a zero-tolerance position on any fraudulent or corrupt behaviour. We will act swiftly and decisively - throu…
Roads Act, 1993 & Roads Regulation 2018, Part 2, Division 1
Notice is hereby given that Wollondilly Shire Council, in pursuance of Clause 7 of the above regulation proposes to name the following road/s:
Proposed Names
6 new road names at 35 Stirling Drive WILTON NSW - Lot 49 DP 270536 - DA/2018/706/2 – Stage 10A & 10B
Proposed Street Name
English Transla…
Join us at the Picton Sportsground for the return of the Dilly Doggy Day Out! This fun-filled event takes place on Sunday, 18 August from 9 am to 1 pm. Bring your furry friends along for a sunny day packed with activities.
Keep an eye on our Annual Events page for more information or follow Council's Facebook page to keep updated.
Feedback is invited on a planning proposal to update local heritage listings in the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011. The proposal intends to ensure Wollondilly’s heritage places are properly identified, documented and managed. It has been informed by the findings and recommendations of the Shire Wide Heritage Study and other relevant heritage studies.
The planning proposal applies to various sites across Wollondilly and includes proposed new items and landscape conservation areas, exp…
Review finds no risk to community safety from Sportsground Parade Appin works
Council supports name for new park at Appin