Family Fun at Summer Fund event this March
Posted on: 21.03.2022
Wollondilly Council will be hosting a family friendly event for the community on Saturday 26 March at Victoria Park in Picton.
The event will feature market stalls, free amusement rides (for 7 to 12 year olds), an outdoor movie screening of The Little Vampire, food stalls, free face painting and pop up performances by local musicians.
The Summer Fund event has been made possible thanks to funding from the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment’s “Festival of Place.”
Mayor Matt Gould has thanked the NSW Government for providing the funding for this community event.
“Wollondilly residents have had a challenging two years recovering from bushfires, floods, storm events and the impacts of Covid-19,” he said.
“This will be a great opportunity for locals to get out and have some fun with the family and enjoy some live music. It’s great to see events happening again and this is something for our community to look forward to.”
The event will be held at Victoria Park, Picton, starting at 3pm and finishing at 10.30pm, with movie tickets available through Eventbrite.
For more information, contact Council on 02 4677 1100 or