Council seeks feedback on process to assess social and health impacts of development proposals
Posted on: 01.02.2021
Wollondilly Council would like to maximise the positive social and health benefits of developments within the Shire to ensure we have healthy communities now and in the future.
Council has been piloting a process of social and health impact assessment which aims to identify, understand and manage the social and health outcomes of a new development proposal, policy or plan.
With input from the pilot scheme, the draft Social and Health Impact Assessment Policy and Guidelines are now on public exhibition, and Council is inviting feedback.
Mayor Robert Khan said, “Council has tested a new draft policy that will increase the consideration that goes into the social and health impacts of planning and land use in Wollondilly, making sure we can get the best out of any new developments.”
“I would encourage members of the community to go online and provide comment so that we know if we are on the right track.”
The draft policy would require applicants to identify how their development or proposal might affect the health and wellbeing of the community, and propose ways to mitigate any negative impacts.
Two levels of assessments would be used according to the scale and type of the development - a Comprehensive Social and Health Impact Report (CSHIR) for the larger proposals, and a Social and Health Impact Comment (SHIC) for medium-scale proposals.
Minor and small-scale proposals which are unlikely to have any significant social and health impacts would not need to undertake the assessment.
Head to Your Say Wollondilly to find out more and provide feedback on the Policy and Guidelines. Consultation closes 1 March 2021.